Water Accordion Alice
de Azevedo Marques Wanderley aliceamw@yahoo.com.br Marcela
Moreira Bocayuva Carvalho miss.bocayuva.@gmail.com Social Group: Thyssiane
Zettermann Soeiro Hidrovida Av. Padre Leonel Franca, 110 Gávea - Rio de Janeiro The Project was developed at
the centre for aquatic activities Hidrovida, in partnership with the swimming
and hydro gymnastics’ teacher Thyssiane. The water aerobics’ classes we chose
to observe, is attended especially by elderly ladies, who found in this
activity a pleasurable way to keep their bodies healthy. During the classes, Thyssiane
proposes exercises which work the whole body, the posture and the breathing
control. From the set of words that
composes the vocabulary universe of
Thyssiane, we recognized as subject for the project: “The student
moves the body in the water, working the amplitude of the movement and the
breathing control” Stretching the arms in the
vertical position and the opening/closing movement of the arms are good
examples of activities that require some stimulation to achieve greater
amplitude. That’s why they need to be very well done. About the breathing control, Thyssiane said
that it has to be always present in all of the exercises. After we did the first
experiments, we identified the need of a gear which worked with the amplitude
of the arms, offered resistance to the water and made the activity more
enjoyable. Thus, as a final project, we
created an accordion for water aerobics made of EVA, folded into waves and
interconnected, from end-to-end, by elastics that if braided, increases the
resistance. Both
the format and the colors used in every detail plus the flower used in the
elastic closing the equipment makes it more fun and stimulates the students
to accomplish the exercises proposed by the teacher. Thyssiane used the product for
three different movements, basically: opening and closing it the hands,
pushing it to the front (since the wavy format of the EVA creates great
resistance when immersed in water) and also, pushing it down, as a floating
weight. “By the end of this project, I
could realize, because of the many difficulties found the way, it was the one
that added more to me as a person and as a professional. From my mistakes, I
had learned that, usually, the best solution is the simplest one. I loved to participate in this project, I was very lucky with the
partner I chose and I also got along very well with Alice. Besides, I was been very well coordinated by
my teachers, and I loved the final object. I am thankful to Thyssiane for
her readiness in helping us every time we needed, generating in me a greater
motivation and joy during all the phases of creation. I am thankful to Alice for her
great partnership and for being a very responsible person, generating
confidence that everything would turn out alright.” (Marcela) “Doing one more project, I
could realize that a careful choice of the social group and partner are
essential for the development of the project. Besides, the success depends
exclusively on our strength of will and commitment. I am thankful to Thyssiane for
all of her patience, friendliness and worry about our project, generating
confidence and tranquility during the process. I am thankful to Marcela for
all of her joy and good humor, for
all of the time dedicated to make the product work, generating satisfaction
for having such a dedicated person as partner.” (Alice) Subject: DSG1002 Class: 1AA Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente |