Scenarios to help to talk

Antonio Duarte
Maria Miranda
Social Group:
Amália Maria Araújo
CIEP Presidente Agostinho Neto
Rua Visconde de Silva, Humaitá
The project was realized in CIEP President Agostinho Neto, located in Humaitá. The intercessor has been Amalia Araujo, responsible of the Computing and Reading at Elementary School. During their lessons, the activities were with music, origami and especially storytelling. The teacher believes that stimulating creativity and speech of students, they will have to study subjects that push the boundaries of the school. From the set of words that make up the universe vocabulary of Amalia recognize as the theme for the project: “Class like music, book, movie and origami it helps to talk and not give up." This sentence reflects the activities in the classroom as the moment when the teacher makes room for all the students give their opinions and ideas about the stories. From the earliest experimentations realized that intercessory wanted to encourage children to interact more with the stories, giving them freedom to recount the way interpreted.
Thus, we construct scenarios to help students speak, riding their stories. Developed a support origami in triangular shape, made of transparent acetate. Beside him, we developed a plug of the same material in rectangular form. To create narratives were made illustrations of characters from Brazilian folklore, a recurring theme in most of intercessory classes, and students of the school, for children to identify themselves in the stories. In addition, cards were handed blank to be drawn supplementing the images that are missing during the activity.
Conclusion Antonio Duarte
I appreciate the experience of live project, because it showed that creativity has
no limits. Being challenged to question every detail and thank every day for
a learning experience created in me have faith that I'm capable of becoming
not only a professional but also as a better human being. As my intercessor’s
students, I finish this semester happy, because I learned to speak and not give
I thank Maria for trusting me throughout the process. Working with a person who believed in my potential so as faithful, makes me know the true meaning of friendship. Thank Amália believing that through education people are able to improve. This led me to want to help others and more open my heart to new realities as they may transmit large learnings.
Conclusion Maria Miranda
This experience served to realize the importance of thanksgiving daily, for
teaches us to value every teaching that is designed every day by many people.
And I learned to be more planned to do my chores.
I thank Antonio for always pull me up and help me in my weakness, because
that showed me that he is more than a partner project: a great friend. At the
same time, I would like to congratulate him for the great personal development
that was visible throughout the semester.
Thanks to Amalia, for being extremely helpful, and always wanting to help us in our project. I also thank the valuable lessons on origami and public education, giving me more ideas about the Brazilian reality.
Conclusion Amália Araújo
The pair of interns this year, Maria and Antonio, were very dedicated and
sensitized with the work in the Reading Room.
The availability and their relationship with the students was very
interesting. The students were very curious about the proposed experiments.
I was impressed with the final material presented. They related the need
to work with storytelling very weel and also allied to origami, including the
structure of the material.
I again confirm my appreciation to the project in schools to develop
products. Glad to see and participate at personalized products for education.
Disciplina: DSG 1002
Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente