Fruits, flowers and fractions to watch and hear the other
with attention

Camila Xavier Maia
Larissa Cabral de Gouveia
Social Group:
Márcia Domingues
Escola Municipal Sérgio Vieira de Mello
Rua Adalberto Ferreira, 19
The Project was realized in partnership with Marcia Domingues in the Municipal School Sergio Vieira de Mello, where she is a teacher in a 5th grade of the elementary school. We flowed some classes of the partner, in which we observed the activities performed. Marcia teaches several subjects, but give more attention to Portuguese and math. In Portuguese classes, usually ask the students to read texts, sometimes in silence, sometimes out loud. In math classes invests in exercises of the book and represents the mathematical problems with drawings in the blackboard to facilitate the general comprehension. From the group of words that compound the vocabulary universe of Marcia, we collect as theme to our project “We grow up in exchange, watching and listening to each other carefully, imagining and respecting the development of the friend”.
In the classroom activities, the partner uses to propose the students to answer questions and resolve exercises in the front of their colleagues. To her, the exchange of knowledge between the students is aggrandizing and, moreover, the respect for the difficulties and with the moment of the other is essential to the classroom harmony. From this and the experimentation of the proposed ideas, we built an object that allows this mutual exchange of knowledge, beyond also render assistance to the exercises performed in classroom. The prototype was made from mathematic fractions and its operations, and we developed ways of the representation of the fractions based in the ones that are taught by the teacher. The object is composed fro a series of elements representing fractions, glued and plasticized in a magnet sheet. Together with the elements, there’s a panel of galvanized metal. With the prototype, the partner propose activities to the students, putting a entire representation of the fruit in the panel, taking the pieces one by one, and asking the students the new fraction formed. Moreover, makes operations of sum, division, multiplication and others. The students are actives and enthusiastic with the exercises proposed. Evaluation of the intercessory Marcia Domingues
The work of Camila and Larissa was constructed with much involvement, exchanges of suggestions and participation of them in the scholastic everyday. The finalized material had great presentation and enriching to our routine. When presented to the students, they showed a lot of interest and excitement to the utilization of the same. The prototype will have a lot of use to several ages.
Conclusion of Larissa
This project caused in me several sensations. I was surprised everyday that I visited Sergio
Vieira de Mello School and discovered a great partner, which received us always with open
heart. Her classes showed me the importance of always listens to the other with attention,
because is like this that we grow. And so it was how I grow this entire semester: listening
to Marcia, listening to the kids, Camila, the monitors, and my whole dear classmates and
friends. I hope that our prototype, made with so much effort and affection, attends the reality
of Marcia and her classroom. I thank the partner for have taught me the great lesson that
for we to grow, we have always to listen, exchange, imagine and respect the development of
the other. This produced in me great happiness for knowing that I will live the rest of my life
with the great learning. I thank Camila for having being by my side during this period. I learn
that we needed so much each other to get to a satisfactory result to our partner and us. This
generated in me much altruism, because during this time I’ve not only thought on the best for
me, but also to my friend Camila, to our partner and to her class.
Conclusion of Camila
Observe and interact with the environment, which the partner acts, generate in me eternal
gratitude. Every gesture and every word that I captured made grow a little piece of Marcia
inside of me, and so I sought to understand a little part of her universe. I thank Marcia for
her work in the school, her attention with the students, and her vision about each individual.
During the visits that I made on these four months, I witnessed scenes of caress and
responsibility, with this observation I learn that that team is in good hands and desired that
existed many other educators as her. I thank Larissa for the experience that we lived among
this period. After so many work and many challenges, our complicity is one of my biggest joys.
I learn that the trust was essential in this journey, and that her assumed as hers with not only
my successes, but also my failures in relation to the project.
Conclusion of Marcia Domingues
The work developed by Camila Maia and Larissa Gouveia had extremely whim, creativity and
has very utility to the scholar’s everyday, may be adequate to different ages as support to the
explanation of the content. There was many effort of the students from PUC when developing
the presented proposal, seeking always, from my solicitations, the best result.
Disciplina: DSG 1002 / Projeto Basico – Planejamento
Turma: 1AC e 1AD
Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente