Colete numérico e gramatical do facebook

Amanda Bragard
Juliana Assis Ribeiro de Almeida
Social Group:
Edna Barcellos
Escola Municipal Júlio de Castilhos
We did the project in the Municipal School Júlio de Castilho, with teacher Edna Barcellos. In this place happens classes for children. Edna teaches for fourth grade of elementary school. One of the activities performed by Edna is to do exercises on the board for children. After that they copy it in their notebooks. From the set of words that make up the vocabulary universe of Edna, we recognize as the theme of our project: "In the book we go from Portuguese to math and to facebook." One activity that relates to the phrase, is to always pass exercises related to the Portuguese, and mathematics, always relating to the language of the internet. We choose as party adopted a vest, a board of facebook, which had a numerical sequence and also a puzzle of words. We made a vest made of felt, which has two sheets of eva to serve as support. We Arrested with the tape two sequences, one on each side of the vest. The sequences were printed on canvas. Beyond this, on each side of the vest has three cards with the words of facebook. In the final experiment, Edna asked a student in the class to dress the vest, and then the other students assemble both the numbers dictated by it, as the words. Then asked if other students, commenting, or sharing the result ..
Amanda’s conclusion
I conclude that this period of hard work and dedication was very important to my growth as a
person, so many thanks and satisfactions made me have another vision about others and also
about life. I realized that working with goals, motivation, and friends and help are essential to
the accomplishment of a job, not necessarily perfect, but suitable for the size of our dedication.
Each thank made me overflowing passion and joy. I loved having my friend, Juliana, and my
partner Edna with me every day working and showing me that they are and were very important
in my routine during this period. IThis experience was very good and i will take this for the rest
of my life.
This experience made me learn to deal with people with different lifestyles, made me learn to
work better in pairs / groups and divide tasks. I learned that with dedication and commitment,
we can reach the desired goal. It made me learn that always is very important to know how to
receive criticism and deal with them, because is these that help us grow as a person.That
experience was interesting and I will definitely take it for the rest of my life and my future
Juliana’s conclusion
I conclude that this project was not only crucial for me to mature as a student but also as a
person. Each goal, deadline and obstacle, made me see, that they are essential to motivate us
and make us have even more desire to achieve a satisfactory result. I found that when we have
problems and when we can to overcome we feel much more proud of our work. Each gratitude,
thanks, helped me to realize how much is satisfactory to have the help, support each other, was
this our double, partner, teacher, or even classmates who are living with us, and they are passing
by the same process, since we feel also able to achieve that goal.
Beyond that, this experience made me live with people with different lifestyle from mine,
making me see some problems present in our daily lives more closely. During that time, I
learned better to divide tasks , and have patience to accomplish each stage of the project, since
at times I thought I knew what could happen later. Beyond that, each time I received some
criticism, I learned to have more desire to overcome it, to be able to build the final object
Edna’s conclusion
The work desenvolved by Amanda and Juliana was instrumental in establishing the
relationship between sound units and their graphical representations. Read words with
support of drawings; reading sentences with support drawings.
In math represented the renewal of place value board, guaranteeing the absence of numerical
error in dictation, and making sure the numerical sequence fix the numbers by constant
handling of them. It was also possible to explore the place value board and an absolute
value and relative numbers by repeating the same in all frames.
"-I considered excellent the result of the work done because I saw the change in attitude of the
students in the maths and portuguese classes. Increased security. Note 10! "
Disciplina: DSG 1002
Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente