Exhibitor that registers and signals the reading of each world

Maria Luiza Lyra
Ricardo Mageika Francisco
Social Group:
Maria Gracinda Conde
E.M. Prof.ª Dídia Machado Fortes
Rua Des Antônio Pereira Pinto, 430 - Barra da Tijuca
The 1002 project was fulfilled in MS Prof. Machado Didia Fortes, with Professor Maria Gracinda Conde. We wacthed classes from a 6th grade experimental class 1602. Gracinda has a large living room and makes a good use of this space, like sitting on bottom of it in a circle to practice reading, which happened every day at 12pm.
From the set of words that make up the vocabulary universe of Maria Gracinda, we recognize as the theme for the project: "I want my students to grow making a good read of the world. That they feel able to build as individuals aware of their possibilities. " We could see this theme, chosen by the teacher, in all the activities which she practiced. She always urge them to think about the present, the future and what they want to be when they grow up. After many experiments we built 6 sets of exhibitors in paraná cardboard with colored cotton fabric lined. This receives envelopes containing a transparent base suggesting the human form in PVC laminated to draw yourself and be able to modify that design over the year. So students working in small groups exhibit their work, their desires and their values.
Maria Gracinda
Your presence in my classroom was very productive and exciting. I left
the comfort zone and most of the time, I realized that reinvented myself as a teacher. That
process led me to become more sensitive and critical. My plans were also more objective. The
phrase formulated by me, that was the mainspring of your work, really became the goal and the
reason for all my classes. Provide all students with us who are living in the age of around 11 and
12 years, possibilities so that they can actually become citizens happy and able to manage his
own life. I tried many materials created by you with our students. It was a difficult time because
I had just returned from a medical leave. All activities that I developed with my students from
these materials, brought to them, opportunities for growth as critical people. They expanded
their worldview and began to dream more, want more and above all, be aware that your choices
can provide a fairer future for all of them. Thank you for being part of our journey. You have
become our friends and now part of our history.
Maria Luiza
This whole process made me open my eyes. I learned to break down
prejudices, barriers, open our hearts and marvel at what happens around us. I studied in a
public school and haven't saw so much beayty as seen during this project. I learned that every
step we took allowed us to get more in touch and involved with the people around us. What is
very important to accomplishment any work. I learned the importance of organization and
planning. I found the will to be bolder. I thank to Gracinda for leaving clear how those people
are important to her, that to me is the role of the teacher, and this is what I want to find my way.
I thank Ricardo for the partnership and company. Previous experiences have made me choose to
be selfish, because I thought to be more capable alone. I learned the opposite with Ricardo.
Recognized with the gratitudes that we always learn something from those who are on our side,
even with the differences.
Ricardo Mageika
And it's passed is a big year in my life. Have not enough in the first
period, where I had a great lesson of humility, and the second period comes with a tent full of
humility. A tent not only humble but also full of love. This tent once again led me to a public
school with a fantastic partner and a fantastic double. With them I learned that nothing is
passed. Because everything that happens can be built and increasingly, forming me as a better
person. The gratitudes are one example. Where everything that is actually past becomes the
future, because each gratitude is a learning and every learning is a small brick doing a great
work in me. Thankful, because I learned to be patient, to let others do his will and ,foremost of
all, I'm thankful because today I prefer serve than receive.
Disciplina: DSG 1002
Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente