From Heart

Daniel Baylão
Social Group:
Maria Elizabeth Lavinas
Escola Municipal Desembargador Oscar Tenório
R. Prof. Manuel Ferreira, 141, Gávea, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
I achieved my project at the Municipal School Desembargador Oscar Tenorio in Gávea , with Ms.Maria Elizabeth Lavinas, who teaches Portuguese in that school, for children of sixth, seventh and eighth grades of middle school, ages 10 to 14 years old. Ms.Maria Elizabeth graduated in Letras at the Pontifícia Universidade Catolica of Rio de Janeiro.
From the set of words that make up the vocabulary universe of Ms. Lavinas , I recognize as the theme of the project : "We should have faith in the heart struggles with attitude and teach the symbols with quality." Based on experiments conducted with Ms.Lavinas, I realized that the main focus of our project are that the students are not able to show their feelings mainly because the environment they live in. Then I made a bilateral heart that has a space for the students to deposit their ventings and the other side for their thankful feelings. The side of the heart containing their venting is dark , to preserve the secrets of the students . The other side is transparent , so as to encourage students to see each other's testimonials and keep on being grateful over and over. Thus , I concluded that the concept set to develop the project is the expression of feelings. This heart is being used as teaching material in class of teacher Maria Elizabeth Lavinas. It has been used to assist students to express their feelings in a literal way ,with their sorrows and their gratitudes
This set of elements is used in Patricia’s class to stimulate children's creativity, when exercising the creation of narratives, working memory, logical reasoning of cause and effect and stimulating the transmission of messages through drawings.
Thanks to Beth Lavinas for keeping an admirable stance to share their teaching and have taught me that we must have faith to overcome our problems with strength and hardworking, this created in me the need as well as her to work with something that really touches my heart and motivates me to be an example for people around me.
Working as a teacher in a public school at the city of Rio de Janeiro for over 20 years I really got surprised with the pedagogic methods used by the students of the PUC. I am a Portuguese teacher and find new ways to make the students to interact with the knowledge, it is not easy. I really enjoyed having Daniel Baylao in my classroom. It was a great experience for me and the students. The heart made of cloth is going to be very useful in my classes.
Disciplina: DSG 1002
Turma: 1AC
Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente