Learning with poetry

Carolina Cantalice Grünewald
Vítor Coelho Brigo
Social Group:
Luciana Barboza, luc.barboza@ig.com.br
Escola Municipal Desembargador Oscar Tenorio
Rua Professor Manuel Ferreira, 141, Gávea-Rio de Janeiro-RJ 22451-030
We developed our project with Luciana, mathematics, Portuguese and science teacher at Escola Municipal Desembargador Oscar Tenorio, located in Gávea. After a few observations, we could notice that the students in her class tend to demonstrate difficulty to learn the contents offered in class through the traditional method, so that the intercessor was always looking for innovative and fun activities for her students. From the set of words that compose the vocabulary universe of Luciana, we recognize as the theme for the project: "Book is a fun shaped poetry".
We understand the need of the intercessor to develop with us a product which could, through the fun, transmit the content for students, generating poetry. Throughout the semester we created experiments and variations that allowed the class to interact with one another, piquing the curiosity and interest of the children.
We developed then, the Mathematical Panels: kit consisting of a large panel made of a hard thick paper with 6 different color carpet to be used by the teacher, and 6 smaller panels, each with a different color, to be used by the students in 6 groups of 5. To accompany, we provided numbers and thin strips of carpet in complementary colors so they could form mathematical operations and regular polygons. Rich in color, the prototype helps the event of poetry in the classroom.
Carolina’s thanks
I am extremely grateful to Luciana for managing to illustrate a sentence that is not always in the literal sense: "look what we have here, paper, paper, paper! That's what they see everyday! ", while she was indeed surrounded by paper. The impact generated on me was stronger than it would be if I couldn't see what was being said and I finally understood the longing of the intercessor in offering recreational facilities for her students to learn content, generating more and more poetry.
I would like to thank Vítor for letting his happiness about the project in evidence when he said, "Wow, I'm a lot lighter! I’m very glad we made it! ". After this gesture I started to realize that we have really achieved and learned the importance of believing in that project not only for the academic field, but for life.
Vítor’s thanks
I am grateful to Luciana for having appreciated the project and the final product. Her attitude spawned a huge satisfaction because she smiled a lot and talked about how much she enjoyed the experience and how the class was excited about the experiments, reaching the proposed theme of the phrase. She said "I love it, they loved it! Today is the last day of school and even with their attention focused on the holidays, they wanted to make more accounts after the final trial", it made me thrilled of being a part of a long process with their due difficulties, but I'll never forget.
Thanks to Carol for agreeing and reproving my ideas, for helping me and for having made me try harder each time, generating in me a sense of challenge after dealing with people with different thoughts, different ideas and philosophies, which made me grow as a person.
Complete evaluation of the Intercessor
"The development of the project was very well prepared. The products were made with lots of detail and whimsy. I enjoyed the participation and interest of my class, which enjoyed very much the final product.
Carol and Victor were very committed and capricious. I hope to have contributed in the best possible way. Wish success for the duo.
Teacher Luciana. "
Disciplina: DSG 1002
Turma: 1AC
Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente