Learning with poetry

Beatriz Camargo
Cecilia Abeid Guimarães
Social Group:
Roberto Ferreira Emygdio
Escola Municipal Henrique Dodsworth
Av. Epitácio Pessoa, 474 - Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22410-090
Our Project was done in the public school Henrique Dodsworth, with the mathematics teacher Mr. Roberto, who teaches 6th grade students. He always begins his classes explaining the lessons chores and then covers the black board with exercises for the students to copy and complete. These exercises include lots of subject areas, from their handout booklets, such as fractions, percentages, graphs.. There is also a special class every month that students are able to play with math games.
The teacher has always made it clear that his aim is to pass his knowledge and education forward, being about his subject area or behavior, making sure that students learn from this and respect each other. During the classes we visited, we observed, listened and took note of some words or phrases that made up his vocabulary universe of that class.
Taking note of Mr. Roberto’s vocabulary universe we managed to recognize the following as a basis of our project: “Learning with respect is 4/3 of knowledge”. In one of the lessons, we observed, Mr. Roberto corrected some fraction exercises on the black board together with his students. This way he would respect the rhythm of the students and manage to maintain his teaching and knowledge to be passed on.
The concept defined as the objective to the project from the trials was that throughout the interactive learning, where respect would happen naturally, the teacher would teach fractions, graphs, etc.
As our final product, a magnetic circle was made, which was able to be hung on the wall or used on tables or floor. This included some pizza shape slices made from wood that had magnets on the other side and would stick to this magnetic circle. This also included pieces that could build bar graphs, numbers that could make up fractions, challenges to be answered and board pens used to calculate any problems on the products’ surface.
Individual conclusion Beatriz
I didn’t know what to expect for this second project. Some would say that the project lead by the teachers Ana and Vicente were just like the first project. But now that we are reaching an end, I can tell them that they were wrong. To begin with, taking a class that is held in a tent, in the woods of PUC’s campus is a life time opportunity. The contact we have with natural fibers and with human experience are completely different of that from the first project.
I feel that I’ve grown so much in these past 4 months that I’ve been relating to this same group of students, teachers and taking part in such a great variety of workshops. I had pleasure to go to class, and go to PUC because I knew that every class and workshop would bring me a knew experience. I went to the classes in the tent whether it was sunny, hot and there were lots of mosquitoes. Also during windy and rainy days… or when it was also raining in the tent! I made an excellent discovery… the natural foods! Which varied from the green juice, which I wasn’t really a big fan in the beginning but later on asked for refills and Socorro’s famous “grão de bico’ that was accompanied by carrots and cucumbers
I had the great opportunity to work for a semester with my teachers Ana and Vicente, and I knew that I could also ask for help to the classes monitors, Mari and Israel, who were always keen to answer any doubts we had.
I believe that it’s fundamental to any design student, to live every experience that I lived and it’s fact that every student will bring something unique out of it, learning the essential things in life through human relation. I also believe that we were lucky to find the perfect partner for this activity. Without him, I am sure that this project made by Bia and Ciça 2013.2 would never be the same.
Individual conclusion Cecilia
In the end of the first semester, we would ask every monitor and friend, who was older than us in this course, who were the teachers that they liked for this second semester. Each of them said something different, and in the end, the decision laid in our hands. In fact, the only class that there was no doubt I would take was the Project lead by Ana and Vicente. Everyone told me that I had to take this class. And there were so many compliments, starting with the tent’s environment until a life time experience. Everyone would comment on this project as if it were something necessary to be lived by any design student. By that time I didn’t understand why of that, honestly, I could not see anything special about this subject area.
The first moments, and weeks, didn’t show me the answer for this class’ mystery, and of why everyone enjoyed it. I was waiting for some “click” to understand it. But it was with time that I began to feel all the “clicks”. Since the green juice, to the tent, and the involvement with the project and all the way to the acknowledgments… everything would come together and explain why of being part of this project 2. It wasn’t really an explanation, but simply a feeling. There was no explanation of why you have to take this class with Ana and Vicente, they simply said that it was a life time experience. And what an experience!
I believe that one of the most important things I’ve learnt was from love and the human appreciation through the acknowledgements. I have never been in a class that the teacher would tell me to thank someone or something every step I took. It was only now that I discovered how much this makes a difference. The way we thank people makes us recognize and reflect actions that many times passes by us unnoticed and we take no time to value them. Every time that I would thank something during this project I would think in the person’s action and what they had said, and notice lots of details that I had not noticed before. When we thank, we pay attention to the others, in their feelings and gestures, and we learn how to value that person even more. The acknowledgements make us notice the good things that the others have to offer, and how to contribute for the good of society in a general way. The acknowledgements were one of the things I’ve learnt that made most of the difference, and now I can see the importance to thank others, even in the smallest actions.
In this project I had an excellent experience of friendship, together with my pair. She helped me get though lots of obstacles and to believe more in myself, which was definitely very important for this projects’ evolution. Other than that, I had the great opportunity to work with a team of excellent teachers: Ana, Vicente, Socorro and Luciana, who together showed me the importance in every little detail in life and also of the relationship student – teacher.
This project was certainly more than just a compulsory class in PUC. I had more human learning and rewarding in it than in the previous year which I took the vestibular. It’s not in every classroom that we learn how to value things as I did.
Acknowledgements Beatriz:
I thank my pair, Cecilia for always giving me attention. Since the first 20 experiments until our main conclusion: the use of magnets. Without Ciça I would never have this idea of using a magnetic board in a pie chart format and to be able to change the sizes and colours of the pieces. This was our main idea and had the most influence in the construction of the next 10 experiments, and lead us to our final object. This made me feel a partnership experience because my pair had the idea of a magnetic objet and together we managed to produce this idea and join elements that were present since the 20 first experiments until the end.
I thank Mr. Roberto for always giving us his total support, from the moment we entered his classroom. We met him on our 5th encounter, the second one in the same school. We had already decided to work with a geography teacher, from out 4th encounter but our teachers Ana and Vicente asked us to bring more options. I cannot deny that I was disappointed at the time because I was already thinking about producing a geographical product but on the same moment that we met Roberto we knew he was the one. Without our project teachers we would never have searched for our 5th option and chosen him, that is why I could also like to thank them. Since the first math lessons we noticed that Roberto’s objective was that students would learn with respect, knowing how to respect themselves and the other colleagues. This made me think of something that I had never thought of before: that if students talk during classes, he is not only being disrespectful with his teacher but also his friends and himself.
Acknowledgements Cecilia:
I would like to thank my pair, Bia, for always accompanying me throughout this pathway, always supporting us to move forward and getting us through or difficulties. She has always been supportive along this project, helping me with every detail, giving all she had. I would like to thank her for always being patient with me and for always sharing chores with me and said motivational words, giving a great support when we had a hard time. Her attitudes made our project a wonderful experience. This made me feel how important it is to work with someone like her, because having someone by your side who is always there to help us is essential for the projects development.
I also thank immensely our partner, Mr. Roberto, who since our first encounter has valued us, treating us well and with care and putting himself promptly to help us when we needed. I thanks him for always value school education and also home education e for always showing this to his students and for us. I feel extremely happy to know that there are people who are concerned about welfare and education of others as he is. Choosing him as our partner was definitely one of the most essential things for this project. And one of the best feelings about this is to know that we made something for him, making him so happy.
Avaliação completa do Intercessor
Excellent! You are great, girls. You were capable of observing the practical work and were able to produce a theory based on this. The product’s intervention was great and everything was fine. You were able to intervene in the relationship which is super important: teacher – student and student – student. Its important to know that everyone has its limits and one’s begins when the other ends. The phrase is related to the object as the respect between the students has to be kept and the object makes this happen, a moment for them to listen to each other. I would like to make a note and ask you to come back to have a feedback and see the class that will now move to the 7th grade. Congratulations to your parents, it is teenagers like you who will change this country.
Disciplina: DSG 1002
Turma: 1AC
Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente