Biombo da Palavra

Júlia Pinho Sartori
Maria Júlia Nunes
Social Group:
Cristiane da Silva Mourão dos Santos
República da Colômbia Municipal School
Rua Rosalinda Brand, 200 - Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro - RJ
We put our project into practice with Cristiane Mourão, who teaches a sixth year experimental class at República da Colômbia Municipal School. She teaches the whole sixth year subject using the pedagogical material made by SME (Municipal Secretariat of Education). Cristiane believes that the chance of studying and having access to this and others books and pedagogical materials can be considered as opportunities to create changes in their personal worlds and in the world in general. However, any transformation depends, above all, in the students’ attitude when facing those opportunities. That’s the way Cristiane’s actions relate to the “goal phrase”. From the set of words that compound Cristiane’s vocabulary, we recognized as the project’s theme: “Attitude is opportunity to create changes in the world”.
From the first ideas of the object, it was defined that the project goal would be to make a holder that could stimulate the communication between students and teacher and also exhibit the material produced daily by the students. Based on origami techniques, we developed a folding screen made of canvas, strengthened by wood planks. Each part of the screen has an acetate folder where the students can place their works. Cristiane uses the holder at the end of the class, when she proposes an activity that generates material to be exhibited.
Júlia Pinho Sartori’s conclusion
The Project’s experience was something unforgettable. This semester caused me so much stress, but made me grow up a lot. I always had to face the situations with a positive look, even if I was upset and tense, and this made me feel like I could do anything if I really put my heart into it.
I’m grateful to Cristiane for always being so calm, even in tense situations. This made me think that being tense and nervous would not help me solve the problems. With her attitude, Cristiane taught me to face life in a different way.
I’m grateful to Maju for always being so joyful and caring. When she hummed and drummed Brazilian rhythms with me, I felt good, as if nothing could put me down. This made me feel like I could overcome myself more and more, revive every day and become a stronger person.
Maria Júlia Nunes’ conclusion
When I choose to make the Project with Ana Branco and Vicente, I could not imagine that I would face so many obstacles. In the last week, Júlia and I caught ourselves in a moment of despair in the following dialog: “-Maju, this isn’t going to work. We’ll have to talk to them and think about another way. –Yeah, but it’s better if we already make it in other ways and get there with the problems solved. –You’re right… Look! Who would have thought we’d be thinking like them! –Great, better late than never!”
At this tragic/comic moment I realized that the experience I lived in this project made me grow up, probably in a lot of ways other than the ones I noticed at this point. For now, I’m very grateful for the transformation of the hearing, thinking and making, surrounded by the weekly learning of life (and what life!) in the hut; of being lighter, of believing in others and in myself and, above all, of thinking it’s fun.
I’m grateful to Cristiane for believing that the opportunities are in little things that happen to us on a daily basis, this made me learn to see a chance of growing in every moment.
I’m grateful to Júlia for sharing with me the whole experience of this project, proving to me that it’s possible to work with someone who’s equally involved in the work.
Cristiane’s evaluation
The time I’ve been with Maria Júlia and Júlia in my class was really satisfying, for they have always tried to interact with the activities that we were working with. Besides, they brought to us a lot of experiments that contributed and enriched our classes.
Their effort in finding the experiment that would have the better use was indefatigable, that’s why I conclude that our moments of change were worth it.
Disciplina: DSG 1002
Turma: 1AC
Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente