Publish to evaluate, correct and improve

Isabela Machado
Marcela Rodrigues
Social Group:
Fabiana Marcellus fabiana_marcellus@yahoo.com.br
Escola Municipal Desembargador Oscar Tenório
Rua Professor Manuel Ferreira, 141, Gávea,Rio de Janeiro – RJ CEP:2245
We made our Project at the school Desembargador Oscar Tenório with the junior fitith grade professor of maths, Portuguese and cience Fabiana Marcellus. During the process, we observerd some classes given from Fabiana in orther to get to know hew methodology and her vocabulary universe better. Fabiana runs her class with relaxation and always seeks for the sudent’s participation during classes. While the students do the activities proposed on the blackboard or in the handout, Fabiana walks through the classroom, answering questions and correcting her students. Instead of saying their work is wrong, Fabiana tells them they’re good, they only need to correct a few details to improve, respecting each one’s knowledge and trying to add to them, not change them. From the collection of words that compose Fabiana’s vocabulary, we recognized as the project’s theme: “To write respect is to agree with knowledge, always evaluating, correcting and improving”. From proposed objects and the use Fabiana made of them, we got to the concept that we should produce holders for the students publish their productions, evaluate them, suggest corrections and improve them. The result of many studies and experimentations were plaques of mdf with elastic handles and frame so that the students could easily publish their productions. The plaques can unite and compose a folding screen, totems, or be suspended, so that everyone can see the result of the whole class’ publication set.
Isabela’s conclusion
The 1002 project was an amazying experience as much for the people I’ve met as for the self- knowledge I gathered. One more time I fell in love with this way of designing which for I had already felt in love with in the 1001 project. Working in a public school was something extremely new to me and changed completely my perception of what the public schools are. Befora, when I thought about public schools, I saw them with huge prejudice, I saw them through the stereotype of a chaotic place and, on the first times I went to visit the schools, still looking for an intercessor to work with, I was apprehensive, because, being born and bread in a smaller town in Minas Gerais, I was full of stereotypes not only of the schools but of Rio. It gets hard to express how wrong I had been and, mostly, admit to myself that I had those prejudices.
Meeting Fabiana will be something that I’ll take for the rest of my life, always remembering her joy, her singing in the classroom, the laughs she had in situations she could as well be stressed, arguing with the students. Her way to see the world has enchanted me from the first meeting to the final experimentation, and also her strength: it is not easy to try and teach polygons to students who don’t recall what is a rectangle. The kids have also enchanted me and I’ll always remember their affection, their attention, their curiosity and will to learn.
The work developed during the semester was challenging, and, sometimes exhaustive. Being in the “barraca” has made it easier, first for being between the trees, breathing and thinking much better than if I was in a concrete room. Many times, during the process, we got behind the schedule, because Fabiana liked to experience calmly thinking exactly how she could use each object, and that was hard, was angustiating to me at first. However, I learnt that being anxious for the next step wouldn’t take me to nowhere and I started working with the time I was given, learning that every project has its rhythm and the important thing was not stop working, producing. Concluding a work is always fulfilling, but concluding this project’s work was more than that, was fulfilling and touching. And that is because it wasn’t “my” work, it was a big team’s work, a people’s network – me, Marcela, Ana, Vicnte, Fabiana, the classmates from the “barraca”, the kids, Lu, Socorro, Mari, Israel, Thai, the laboratorians of fashion and volume – and that’s why it is so amazying: it is now a selfish work, on the opposite, it evolves all the context and all the people around.
I have learnt uncountable things this semester. Two quotes that I recall very much, quoted by Ana, were that “success comes from succession, from doing something, then another thing, then another and keep doing new things”; and that “we need to keep all the “nonsense stuff” we make before getting to a good answer so that we don’t think we are genius.” In fact, it was necessary to do, experiment, try and fail to get to a simple and much more functional result than our first super elaborated ideas. There’s no “genius” work, there’s no good result without stumbling on the way.
I’m thankful to Fabiana for receiving Marcela and I even having already agreed on receiving Nina and Henrique. After getting a lot of “no” from other professors, I learnt that there are people that simply don’t want to get to know beyond what they already know, but there are others – like Fabiana – that always want to know more, and have their doors and hearts opened to receive a little from others and donate a bit of themselves.
I’m thankful to Marcela for the partnership, for the brainstorming, for the complicity along the process. I learnt that working in pair is much more profitable when there’s dialogue and synchrony: the work, when shared, gets easier and the problems and challenges, when shared, get smaller.
Marcela’s conclusion
The Project 2 course meant learning beyond Professional life. The practice of the “gratefulness” made me see how much we learn daily without even noticing it, and how much we have to thank for little gestures. The experience of making a project in a public school was surprising, as public schools are normally avoided by people who seek a quality education, but they actually generate a much more embracing knowledge than the walls of a private school provide. Working to add to that environment and, somehow, optimize that teacher’s work is fulfilling.
Over all, I learnt to learn with my mistakes, to transform them into strength and not an obstacle, to realize the value or trying many times, for the more you explore, the more you know. Simple is not easy, but what is complicated is obvious, and that’s why one should never stop on the first answer: with no doubt, this answer can be improved, can be simplified. Seeking for ecologically correct alternatives and avoid waist were also principles I learnt to value more.
The environment of the “barraca” has provided us a closed contact, as much as between us, as with the nature. The knowledge exchange is optimized by this organization: I made brainstormings, I saw my colleagues projects grow, learnt from them and with the discussions among them, with the teacher’s advice and the monitors’ help. Together, we pulled ourselves always forward, not only in pairs, but among all of those who lived this project and learnt from it as much as they could.
I’m thankful to Fabiana for the wonderful experience of making this Project with her. I thank her for all the talks that added me a lot from the reality of public school, I thank her for being in love with what she does and that result in a brilliant work in class, a work that values the student, that respects his timing and his vision of the world and, at the same time, stimulates him to always look for his best. My biggest learning from her was that passion is what moves us and makes us be better.
I’m thankful to Isabela for being a tireless work pair, for dividing with me all the process’ steps, for all the knowledge and doubts shared, for the trust she put on me by accepting to make this project with me and, among all, for being a real friend, not only a pair.
Intercessor’s full evaluation
I would like to thank for being part of this project that has contributed a lot for the growth of my pedagogic work. The construction process of the project happened in a very calm way. The final prototype regarded one of the essential steps of the educational practice, which is having a critical look of your production to improve what is necessary, as well as give communicative sense to writing. Thank you very much. Fabiana.
Course: DSG 1002
Turma: 1AC
Professores: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente, Luciana Grether, Maria do Socorro Calhau