Exhibitors who plays with the participation of all

Bárbara Orsi
Flávia Pareja
Social Group:
Margareth Guimarães de Pinho
Escola Municipal República da Colômbia
Rua Rosalina Bravo, 200 – Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Our project took place at the República da Colômbia School, which is located in Barra da Tijuca. Our intercessor for this project, Mrs. Margareth Guimarões de Pinho, is a 6th grade teacher, who is responsible for Portuguese, Mathmatics, Science, History and Geography classes.
While performing their regular class activities, the teacher is constantly looking for ways to get the students to interact with her, such as asking questions like “Would you rather finish this topic on Science or do some Math now?,” which shows us how important it is to have dialogue between teachers and students.
From the conversations we got to have with mrs. Pinho in the beginning of the process, we were able to spot a theme for the project based on one of the sentences she said: “We are going to express ourselves by playing with words, so we can expand our vocabulary in a collective way”.
During classes, Margareth tries to work, in the most part, with activities such as Collective Writing, in which every student is expected to contribute with appropriate vocabulary related to the topic they’re writing about. This way, the teacher gets to expand her students’ vocabulary.
By analyzing which experiments the teacher thought were the most interesting ones, we realized Margareth values the recognition of her students’ learning and likes to expose their good results and achievements. Thus, the “Essay Mural” was chosen the most interesting experiment, since it not only is a new way of doing one of the activities that Margareth was already used to, but it’s also a great way of exposing the students’ knowledge. Along with that, the idea behind the experiment “What Did I Learn Today?” which was the second most interesting one, resembles to the first one in that way. The other experiments saw as interesting ones, both the “Word Of The Day” and the “National Anthem,” demonstrate a more specific implementation of that aspect, as they learn how to synthesize and use new vocabulary.
Thereby, we learned that our Rough Prototype would be a structure that could help Margareth exhibit the work of all of her students, which could end up inspiring and instigating them to learning more.
What final object did we make? How did we make it, and what materials did we use?
After experimenting on different kinds of materials, we made our first prototype out of a wire structure covered with a clear hose and lined with jute. For the totem structure, we used 24 pieces of wire of 90cm each, which were folded up in half, creating a ‘L’ shape. Regarding the hoses, we decided to use two different kinds: a thicker one, which would hold four wires inside it, and a thinner one, which would hold only two wires. It was necessary to have 14 pieces of exactly 50cm each of the thinner hose, and 5 pieces of 50cm of the thicker one.
Our final prototype has been used so that the students can express themselves and exhibit their work and ideas through a display - of educational profile – that allows them to have a wide range of variety on how to display the modules, according to the necessities of both the students and the teacher.
Flávia Pareja’s Conclusion:
As this project came to an end, I was able to notice how much I’ve matured with it. Not only me, but also outsiders that have showed me the same changes throughout the process, and I realized how quickly that happened. During the whole process, there have been situations in which there was nothing we could do but keep on going, without any fears. And that fear that I forced myself to pull away was extremely crucial for me to get to the end of this and comprehend how determined and dedicated I can be once I truly want something. All of the relationships I had during this period – with my partner, our intercessor, the 2nd and 7th CRE, my classmates, Ana and Vicente, along with my dear collaborator teachers Lu and Socorro, the monitors, and my family – filled me up inside, and they all taught me things that I will carry with me forever.
I thank Margareth for have being the best intercessor I could’ve had to do this project with. As we unexpectedly arrived at the school and explained to her that we were late on schedule and that we had to hurry up so that we could have enough time to do everything we needed, she always showed a lot of willingness to participate in the project and help us with it, and interest to know what we already had done, always finding ways to incorporate our ideas to her class and giving us some feedback on each of them. Having her as a partner this semester was outstanding, as I was able to do a pleasurable time with it, knowing that Margareth was always there to casually greet us with a “Come on in girls, make yourselves at home!”. This whole interaction with her gave me the feeling that everything I do is worth it in the end, and that I should be able to carefully discern what should and should not be done, since, even a project that I believed would be hampered by the fact that it was begun late and hastily presented, turned out to be better than I could’ve imagined it to be, and nothing would’ve happened if the obstacles that arose on the way had made me give up.
I thank Bárbara for having been such a great partner during this period we spent together. We didn’t know each other before the classes begun, so it was a risky move for us to choose each other as partners for this project. Nevertheless, for that same reason, I see that the relationship that emerged from this is more than just a partnership; it’s true friendship. Despite all the differences that exist between us – or it may be because of them – I was able to see the position I put myself into during this period. For seeming to be such a delicate, emotional person, Bárbara made me want to help her believe more in herself, bringing out the opposite feeling that I had seen in her in me – I turned into a more objective person than I ever thought I could be, embracing challenges and obstacles which, looking back, I don’t think I would be able to embrace if it wasn’t for her. That brought out a sense of strength in me, I found out that I do have that something in me that will help me do whatever I want to, and that, if I believe in myself, I can go any way I want. Our relationship as partners was quite complementary, and, even though we had different opinions on certain things, I’m sure she’s always been on my side and never wanted anything different then our well being and success in the project. For that reason, I am truly grateful for her company and her performance, as, even thought she didn’t believe in her own self at times, I’m sure our work wouldn’t be the half it turned out to be if it wasn’t for her.
Bárbara Orsi’s Conclusion: During this semester, I had the opportunity of living a different reality than the one I’ve been raised into. I got in touch with several professionals of the public education area, and also with children, to which I’ll always be grateful for all they taught me. I’ve learned to understand and respect the diversity of cultures, opinions and personalities, which, as of today, allows me to see things differently than I did before. I got to “discover myself again” as I watched those kids in class, got to remember how I was at that age and, that way, have a better understanding on those students’ attitudes and reflect on what I would like to do if I were in their shoes, allowing myself to be more focused on the design for the final prototype. With all of the difficulties we faced along this journey, I learned to increasingly value the little things that surround us on a daily basis, such as the many rides that Maiu Nunes offered us to Barra da Tijuca and all the times in which the monitors Israel Silva and Mariana Castro had to repeat that I was the only one keeping myself to succeed and that I needed to “think less and work more.” I understood that I needed to deal with stress everyday the best way possible, since despair stops us from having a clear vision of what we need to do and what decisions to make.
This experience made me grow not only as a design student, but also as someone that looks to always respect what seems to differ from the “normal patterns.” That helped me change my attitude when it comes to my personal life and my relationship with others. More than just a college class, Projeto Básico – Planejamento was an extremely enriching experience to me, and I am grateful for all the help and orientation I got from my teachers, Ana Branco and Vicente Barros, who played a role as our “pillars” when times got rough. I will keep this project in my mind for the rest of my life, as the only things we truly own, after all, are our knowledge and life experiences. I thank Flávia Pareja for having helped me though this journey, always giving me strength to keep the project going. With that, I learned that I have her not only as a great working partner, but also as a friend. I am also thankful for the teacher Margareth Guimarães de Pinho for having welcomed us with open arms since the very first day. Without her receptivity, we wouldn’t be able to get to the end of this project successfully. Therefore, I learned that in order to have a project go well, it’s essential to have interest coming from both parts.
The Intercessor’s Complete Evaluation: On October 8, 2013, PUC students Bárbara de Souza Lima Orsi and Flávia Madureira Pareja presented themselves at the República da Colômbia School, accompanied with the Education Manager of the 7th CRE, Nedir Rollo, so that they could begin an internship for their design course. Since then, those students have showed up at the school and developed many activities to eventually come up with a final product for educational matters.
Bárbara and Flávia proved to be extremely compromised and helpful, and performed several possibilities of educational means such as seriousness, significantly enriching and contributing to the school routine in a multidisciplinary way. Both students also showed a significant cooperation, affection and social spirits, which got them to earn my affection and respect, and aroused in all the students and school staff a feeling of fondness and complicity. The several activities that they proposed to us were the results of a sharp, careful observation that summed up and contributed to a dynamic, interesting educational method.
For an effective participation in the school environment, I believe that Bárbara and Flávia have become excellent professionals, as they are already able to lead their tasks with the necessary seriousness and dedication to earn both academic and professional success.
Disciplina: DSG 1002
Turma: 1AC
Professores: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente, Luciana Grether, Maria do Socorro Calhau