Building our world together

Bárbara Alves Betts
Social Group:
Maria José Campos
Escola Municipal Repúvlica da Colômbia
Rua Rosalina Bravo, 200 – Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
The project took place at Escola Municipal República da Colômbia with the teacher Maria José Campos. The classes are for 6th students and all the subjects are taught by the teacher Zezé. During the first four meetings I noticed that Zezé uses as a support for her classes the website Educopédia which has all the content to be taught in the year. The teacher prizes the learning in different ways, such as individual work, group work, including entertaining ways of learning.
From the set of words that make up the vocabulary universe of Maria José I recognized as the theme for the project: “Each man produces a fraction of life.”
When relating the theme of the project with her class about the biosphere Zezé said the it is necessary to make the students understand that a part of life which composes the biosphere is their responsability. With the activity that she was using Educopédia as a support, Zezé related the content of the proposed exercice, saying that fraction and part have the same meaning and those parts can be even more simplified.
After trying all the first objects I brought, it was defined as party adopted a holder to images and headlines.
It was defined that the object to be produced would be a support for images and headlines, those being numbers, letters and shapes.The object was made with 3 plates of paraná paper covered with carpet and the fit between them being done with the carpet itself. To make images and headlines – numbers, letters and shapes – I used different colors: yellow for numbers, red for letters and green for shapes. Its being used as a courseware in maths and portuguese classes to set up fractions, multiplication tables, headlines and pictures (shapes).
Bárbara Betts Conclusion:
The experience of being around kids from public schools was
amazing. During the process I was able to get to know a little
better their reality, sharing knowledge and happiness. In the
objects produced I tried to include my feelings so as Zezé’s and
the children to make it possible to use as the most enjoyable
way. I believe I would summarize the experience in one word:
persistence. The whole semester was full of obstacles that were
passed by so that the project could be finished and I am happy to
say that I learned to never say “I am not going to make it.” This
statement is out of my vocabulary. The experience was a source
of personal refletion and gratitude to be working with people that
want to exchange things they learned. I believe that this project is
the key of social transformation and I am ready to develop a lot of
other projects like this one.
I am thankful to Zezé for producing increadible activities from experiments carried during the semester, some times changing the inicial ideas. It generated in me happiness of seing the students giving their best to present excelent tasks. I learned that it is possible to use materials that are made for something specific in totally different situations, making creative materials and ideas.
Maria José Campos Conclusion:
On October 8, 2013, the PUC student Barbara Betts, presented
herself in Escola Municipal República da Colômbia accompanied
by the manager of Education from the 7th CRE Nedir Rollo, to
start a project from her design course.
Since then, the referied student has attended the School Unit
aforementioned and developed numerous activities to build a final
product that has an educational profile.
Bárbara has shown extremely compromised with the project and
brought different possibilities of teaching materials, enriching and
contributing to the school’s daylife in a multidisciplinary way.
The student also presented an expressive cooperate spirit, social
and afective, that conquered my respect, also awakening across
the faculty and other unity spheres, a feeling of affection and
The numerous activities proposed by Barbara were result of a shrewd observation that added and contributed to make a dynamic and interesting teaching.
Disciplina: DSG 1002
Turma: 1AC
Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente