Saving the Planet

Lucca Carrasco Filippo
Luísa Leitão Abreu
Social Group:
Neuza Maria Bastos das Neves
Escola Municipal Almeida Garrett
Av. General Guedes da Fontoura, 470, Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro - 22620-032
The project was done at Escola Municipal Almeida Garrett, in Barra da Tijuca, with Neuza Maria Bastos das Neves, a 4th grade teacher. Her classes are like talks: while using the books provided by the city hall and the blackboard, Neuza shares her personal experiences and stimulates the students to do the same.
From the set of words that make up the vocabular universe of Neuza, we have recognized as the theme of the project: “Brainstorming to help saving the planet”. The intercessor’s classes emphasized frequentely how important it is to make the planet healthier, and the incentive to the creativity of the students fits it perfectly. From the phrase, we built experiments, alternatives and, at last, prototypes that suited the adopted side. That means they should demonstrate preservation processes that connected to the children’s day by day and to the “three R’s concept” learned in class (recycling, reducing and reusing).
As a result, we have made over 50 A4 boards that showed each one of the “R’s”. Next, they were covered with acetate and sewed with elastics. To store all this material, we used green carpet to sew tailor-made bags.
Lucca’s Gratitude:
During these two semesters working in the Tent I have learnt a lot. I have had rich and unforgettable lessons, from manufacturing techniques to life lessons. I am grateful for the help of the teachers, the always so active monitors, and the workshoppers, who Always come up with new and surprising things. Project 2 turned me into a more versatile, practical and, no doubt about it, sustaineable designer to be. I say that, as a result of Neuza, Ana Branco and Vicente’s company, I now see trash as something with huge value. Never before in my life I could imagine how much I would fight for a piece of cardboard or an empty bottle. I got the used things, worked with them, made others use and I used them too. This is the greatest legacy of my Project 2. Reuse.
I thank Neuza for diving in with me in this mission. Even though it didn’t work out the first time, she didn’t hesitate to keep working with me. As a teacher, she has certainly performed her duties. Which means she taught me a lot. I realised subjects don’t apply to an age. It doesn’t matter whether we forget the 4th grade Science classes or some 3rd grade Geography lessons, remembering is like learning something new. It is all important, because, at some point, this knowledge will be asked from us again in the tests of life.
I thank Luísa for conquering my trust without even noticing it. For someone who had had trouble with the co-partner, taking new companion in the project wasn’t easy. By showing herself capable, dedicated and skilled, she made me safe enough to share my project with her, making it ours, finally. I was really surprised. It was comforting to see in Luísa she was aware of the importance o four work and, therefore, she Always acted seriously and with drive. To her, I owe her my congratulations and a big “thank you”.
Luísa’s Gratitude:
The project experience was, no doubt, remarkable. I learned how to deal better with my choices, to the consequences of my actions and to keep calm when necessary. Watching my classmates development also taught me a lot about perseverence. They were assuredly heroes. Something I didn’t expect were the impacts of all the researches to develop the prototype in my personal life. My habits changed: I cut down on my wastes on certain products, I now search for the origin of all I use in order not to contribute with the exploration of certain raw materials and I started to see “garbage” in another way and to use it until its end. I continue on looking for ways to change them even more and, maybe, make other people understand this need.
I thank Neuza for receiving us in her work place and for putting so much effort on helping us. I also appreciate that she took all the extra work we gave her. It made me be more tolerant with people and listen to what they have to say. After all, we might help each other.
I thank Lucca for being my co-worker in what I know to have been a big challenge for him. I hope I was, at least most of the time, the partner he needed. I thank for his kindness and I think I could have been kinder. I thank that we soon achieved a good pace and agrément, which made the whole difference to get us to the end. It made me understand that, when working as a team, you must value what each one does and, more than that, what each one has to offer. I’ve learnt a lot from “Big Uncle”, and I am grateful for that.
Disciplina: DSG 1002
Turma: 1AC
Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente