Flexible frame for exercizing and organizing attention

Lucas Luz
Marina Barrocas
Margarida Laurinda da Conceição
Escola municipal Desembargador Oscar Tenório
Rua Professor Manuel Ferreira, 141 - Gávea, RJ
CEP: 212746446
Our Project was made at the Desembargador Oscar Tenório Municipal School, located in Gávea, with the teacher Margarida, who teaches portuguese, maths and science to an “acceleration” class, that aims to prepare these students, who came from the re- literacy class, introducing new concepts and responsabilities. During the first meetings, we observed the activities made in class, that dealt with many subjects, either on their notebook or in their “Senninha” book, distributed by the Ayrton Senna foundation. However, as the observation and word gathering were made, we realized that all the activities and exercizes the teacher proposed somehow involved reading, exercizing, organization and attention. These factors are all crucial to achieve a complete learning experience, and are at all times reinforced by the teacher, who seeks, together with the students, to reach a level of knowledge that will allow them to enter the 6th year comfortably. From the group of words that compose Margarida’s vocabular universe, we recognized this sentence as the Project- theme: "In order to learn perfectly, reading, exercizing, being organized and paying attention is necessary. All this helps in education.”. Based on this goal-sentence, we built some experiments that would, through games and group activities, estimulate the children’s creativity and attention, and also their quick thinking and logic, so that they could work on their organization, making it easier to learn. The experimentation results led us to the construction of a flexible frame, that posesses several partitions made of velcro. These partitions can be organized, by the teacher, as she finds more suitable for each activity, and, when placed in a certain order, form a mesh in a way that it can be seen by the entire class. We also produced 40 small boards, made of laminated Eucatex (the same material used in white classroom boards) which allows the teacher to easily write and erase on it and place it on the frame. Furthermore, we also made 10 small transparent bags filled with sunflower seeds. Each pair has a different seam color, so that a game can be created somehow relating colors, empty frame spaces and the boards. The material is used to reinforce the elements of the learning process itself, using a didatic activity to give the children tools that will help them not only reach the next grade, but also many aspects of their future life.
Lucas Luz's Conclusion
In the beginning of the project i was very scared of the unknown, I wasn’t sure about anything, and with the development of the semester, I overcame this fear and learned that is is the kind of situation that generates the Best and most unexpected answers. I have learned to detach myself of my ego and look at the simpler solutions. Now I can see how much I’ve grown since the beginning of the project. I had to make decisions, work with deadlines, get out of my comfort zone and search for solutions not only in myself, but mainly in the relationship I’ve estabished with the partner. Besides all that, I could experience a kind of connection with my classmates that was very enriching, sharing our aflictions ans joys throughout these months.
Lucas Luz's Gratitudes
I am thankful to Margarida for always being very commited to her classes, even in some times when the class wasn’t very collaborative, she was always calm and taught in the Best way possible. I learned to be patient and organized, just like she showed us in her work. I also learned the importance of working alongside the partner to get answers. I am thankful to Marina for, at all times, being willing to work and, mostly, keeping calm and trusting in the success of our work. With her, I learned to keep calm, believe that everything will be alright and trust others. The funniest moments I had this semester were surely the ones spent working with her, her sense of humour made tasks much easier to be completed.
Marina Barrocas's Conclusion
Right at the beginning of the semester, when asked “How’s project?” I always answered that it had cracked my head wide open. Now, looking back with the eyes of who is concluding it, I can say that it was exactly what happened. The new environment of the “barraca” (challenging and peaceful at the same time), new people who were different from me, new visions of life and points of view I had never faced before, the opportunity of meeting and working with students and teachers placed in a different reality from my own, all this contributed for me to reach a certain detachment from my past, and kept my eyes opened to the present. The almost therapeutical atmosphere of the “barraca”, where true feelings, tears, hugs, confessions and gratittudes are exchanged (all this in a classroom, of course, where else?) allowed me to search to know others through knowing myself.
Marina Barrocas's Gratitudes
I am thankful to Margarida for always, with the greatest care, the greatest attention and dedication, using our experiments in all the ways she could find, generating an extremely rich experience with all the materials we shared. I thank her for looking at us and seeing friends who were there to help and contribute, giving us trust to participate in her day-to-day life. I learned that when one trusts the person their work with, one should never worry. I am thankful to Lucas for teaching me where dedication and perfectionism can take us. Always one step ahead, prudent and responsible, He taught me that when we do what we love and value what we do, we are indestructible. I could not imagine a better person to work with.
Full evaluation by the Intercessor:
The work developed can be used in all disciplines. It makes classes more dynamic and students more active. The activities that were proposed also allow an evaluation if the student absorbed the content that was worked, since it also deals with the time factor.
Subject: DSG 1002
Class: 1AC/1AD
Teachers: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente Barros, Luciana Grether, Maria do
Socorro Calhau