The Happiness Of Telling Histories Day And Night.

Searching for our future copartner, we visited some primary
schools and we decided to accomplish our project in Creche
Municipal Dr. Sobral Pinto, with Carmen Rosa who teaches in class
nursery II for children between 2 and 3 years.
Since Carmen makes her activities based in tell stories, she makes
her classes more interesting and funny for children. This
methodology was the fact to choose Carmen. During the time, we
realized that the children welcomed us very well, and that's why we
began our work in this school.
From the set of words that make up the vocabulary universe of
Carmen Rosa recognize as the theme for the project: "Storytelling is
opening the door of imagination, bringing to life the joy of seeing a
more colorful world.” From the set of this phrase, we decided that we
should do something that rocks the mind of the children. Our first
idea was make the character of stories told by the teacher. From
that, we created an apron for the intercessory to tell the stories
having day and night like scenery with abstract pieces to leave the
apron students become characters. Mariana: During this period I could see my growth as a person because I
could not imagine waking me so many learnings. I went through
different experiences that cooperated to my journey as a designer.
I'm grateful for the progress of this project and for the teachers Ana
and Vicente wich class metodologhy made me more determinated.
I'm grateful for Carmen had supported me during our partnership,
she was the "key" for our project worked well. "It was worth all the
effort of you." - she said - it gave me the winning felling for for us to
get the end product. I'm grateful for João Kleber, too, because of his
dedication in our work, giving me forces in the most difficult and
have been committed to the design process to the end, making me
learn moments that partnership during our work contributes to a
good final prototype. João Kleber: Of course, this project was very important for me because I growth
as a designer. Now a day I can realize that, in the beginning, I went
with the fully enclosed head, with the fully directed gaze. This
project made me expand horizons and take several steps ahead in
my journey as a person and as a professional. Ana and Vincent were
essential for my growth during this period, all of their teaching I'll
take for all my life. I'm grateful for each person who helped me and
encouraged me . I did a lot of friends and known a lot of persons that
I'll take with me. I'm grateful for Carmen opens her class, her time
and her students. See in their faces a smile from ear to ear whenever
we got in the classroom was wonderful. I was very happy to see that
the children received us and clung our presence instantly, the same
way us. I'm grateful for Mariana always pull me the way when I
discouraged or something did not go out as planned. If this project
was successful, I owe much of their enthusiasm and partnership. Carmen: The partners were very cheerful and always prepared to make
material searches in order to application. We changed ideas about
the material used e how it could be used to other moments.
Besides me, It was a period of development for both partners and
for the students in the class. I could see better concepts applicated
in the class, but in a different way. When we did the creation of
stories and they became characters was great and I could realize
that the children interested more this way, with games and plays...
It was like a rain of emotions.
Thank you Mariana Salgueiro and João Kleber. Discipline: DSG 1002
Mariana Salgueiro
Social Group:
ProfªCarmen Lucia Rosa
Creche Municipal Dr. Sobral Pinto
Av Presidente João Goulart - Vidigal, Rio
Class: 1AD ec1AC
Professors: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente Barros, Luciana Grether, Maria do
Socorro Calhau