The pond of knowledge

Melissa Matos
Tiago Cavaliere
Social Group:
Sandra Vieira
Instituto Nossa Senhora de Lourdes - INOSEL
Estrada Santa Marinha, nº514 - Gávea
Our Project was focues on the Our Lady of Lourdes Institute – INOSEL- with Sandra Vieira, the teacher responsible for all the deaf and normal hearing 3rd grade classes. During her classes, she strives to mantain the student’s level of learing balanced, since the deaf students show a lower level of learning skills than the ones who can hear. Therefore, she attends to each student individually, helping the more deprived ones so they won’t be left behind in any subject. She does so by either using games or by using new teaching tecniques. From the Sandra’s vocabulary universe word cluster, we perceived our project’s theme as: “Look and play to know.”. Through the chosen experiments, we realized the basis of what caught the teacher’s attention in terms of an educational toy. With that notion refined, our chosen path was built on what each experiment meant to the user: the “holding” and the “placing” aspects, used as a dynamic to focus the student’s attention on what’s being taught. We assembled a fishing lake, whose fish contained math counts. The lake was made out of a 157,5cmX78,5cm viscose lycra fabric. The fish were made out of formica and MDF, with a variety of diferent size and measures. The fishing rod was made out of a 58cm bamboo with a nylon line and a magnet tied on it’s end. The lake was used so that the students had less trouble in learning math, as to meanwhile offer them a moment of games and interaction while learning..
Melissa Matos
For me, this Project was a great lesson. There were times where I thought everything would go wrong, nothing would be accomplished in time but the people in that shack always calmed me down and showed me the way to carry on. I now see that all this semestre’s effort and arduous work were worth while, even with the stress I imposed myself in order to achieve perfection. I realize that after having a part in making this Project, not only the physical one but also making it through a Project we made ourselves, I am fulfilled I give thanks to Tiago, for sticking with me until the end in this Project, for not giving up even at times where stress spoke loudest. I thank you for your motivation and patience with me. I learned patience and soothingness between the partners is what keeps the Project going. I give thanks to Sandra, the teacher, for her patience whilst having two young ones disturbing the student’s attention during her classes. I am thankful or getting to know a strong and determined woman when it comes for making the students learn at any cost. When a student gives up, her determination does not end, her desire to make the student learn just enhances. With her I learned it doesn’t matter wheather you have a disability or not, you can get wherever you want if you don’t give up.
Tiago Cavaliere
Even though Project II has the same line of though as the first, the experience was totally different, especially since we got deeper into our Project following the methodology and the process’ demands, which is the most important part. For me, the value is not in the final object, but indeed in the process of attending the classes, choosing a prase, experimentation, variations, conversations, texts, construction, disagreements and compliances. I give thanks to Melissa, for everything we went through together in this Project, all the experiences we faced as partners, agreements and disagreements. Everything contributed to my own personality growth. I learned to hear more and be more organized. I thank Sandra for the attention and parntership given to us throughout the Project. I also thank her for giving me the oportunity to admire her work with the hearing impaired children and motivating the student to pursue each time more knowledge. I thank her for being there for us during the process, Always giving her opinion about the experiments and alternatives, I realized after that a personal growth.
Sandra Vieira
The project was excellent and rewarding to work with inclusive classes. The activities with the materials will respond to any series. Very dynamic.
Discipline: DSG 1002
Class: 1AC
Professors: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente Barros, Luciana Grether, Maria do
Socorro Calhau