Texture in clay is like hand on heart

Bhya Sugai Medeiros Mortoza
Thamy Kurosawa
Social Group:
Isabel Hennig
Núcleo de Artes do Leblon
Rua Gilberto Cardoso s/nº, Leblon
The project was done in Leblon Arts Center with the art teacher Isabel Hennig. The teacher conducts thematic projects with students, which uses art history references to stimulate original artistic production and critical thinking, acting as a facilitator of the approaching artistic knowledge of the world to the daily life of children. During the meetings, Isabel worked with clay and made mainly awareness-raising work, proposing games that stimulate students touch and recognition of sensations that provide different textures. From the set of words that make up the vocabulary universe of Isabel the theme for the project was recognized: "Texture on clay is like hand on heart '' Through experimentation process, we recognize the Party Adopted: Shelter-cover working sensations through textures that refer to the clay as shelter and hand on heart, that warm and make a hug. As a final object, we did a cover-shelter that is the major organs of the body with different textures that stimulate awareness. The cover has mesh lining and organs are composed of various materials such as acrilon, foam, silicone, rubber, plastic spiral and marbles. So that students have access to these textures, we made small openings located in bodies both inside and abroad lining. The final prototype is being used as a place of shelter that facilitates the awareness of students.
Bhya Sugai
The experience of making this project was enriching, rich in learning and experiences. Living with Ana and Vicente, with my buddy, with the intercessor and his students served to bring me comfort and see that everything is within me, that every step is perfect as it is. I saw how I can, making me be more connected with the nature of affection and fluidity of my feelings, made me see that there is plenty in simplicity. In this project I learned to have patience with me, with my process and to recognize my worth. I thank Isabel for showing me a world of knowledge and love. Thank you for your openness and for making us to increase our understanding of the universe, beyond the vision, allowing us to feel and to promote this feeling. I thank Thamy for her dedication, partnership and happiness. For giving so much energy to this project causing him to be as deep as possible. For making me learn the importance of being on the move and to trust in our process.
Thamy Kurosawa
The project experience has profoundly changed my way of understanding the learning process and to participate. I realized how I am active and responsible for what I absorb, and that this is facilitated by the horizontal relationship with teachers. Take the project methodology as a way of seeing life, where it is important to never stop walking and give thanks for all we have received along the way, the most significant process that the apparent arrivals. Thank Bhya for being who you are, with all the strength and light weight bearing, sharing with me her love for life and teaching me a lot about generosity, joy and the importance of being true to what you believe. The light shining lit every step of our process, filling my way of gratitude, joy and learning, always motivating my best. I thank Isabel by having blamed his student through the learning process in the first few meetings to say that the teacher's return is not always necessary, because the student know when you are doing your best and learning. This speaks guided my learning process throughout the project and my attitude in college, as created in me the awareness of being present and entire at every stage so that it could absorb all the knowledge, which served so I value the process as a whole as a path of growth and deep gratitude.
Rating Isabel Hennig
I want to thank the participation of PUC with this gorgeous project, always a very productive partnership for all of us, I learn a lot with the girls. It is very rewarding, because we is renewed, I also study to discuss some issues with them, always bring artists and we arranges a meeting. Already said Vinicius de Moraes that life is the art of the meeting, then this meeting was wonderful, they are to be congratulated, scored top marks!
Discipline: DSG 1002
Class: 1AC
Professors: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente Barros, Luciana Grether, Maria do
Socorro Calhau