Dolls to paint to hung and to dress

Andrea Verbicario
Olivia Rigon
Social Group:
Jacqueline Azevedo Martins
Ciep Presidente Agostinho Neto Municipal
Rua Visconde Silva, Humaitá, Rio de Janeiro
The project was created at Ciep Presidente Agostinho Neto, in Humaita with the Art teacher Jacqueline Martins. Jacqueline provides creative activities such as drawings and paintures in which uses as base since reference of great artists all the way to children bed time stories. This way, her students can work with imagination as well as concrete content allowing her , as artistic educator, to create the bridge between the art world and the daily life of the children. During our visits, Jacqueliene worked with paint, crafting and colored pencil, in stimulating activies that helped the students to express through art. Inside Jacqueline's vocabulary universe we were able to recognize as theme to a project : " The children's mess creates a small silence to mixture and paint” Through obversation we experimented the project "Adopted Party". Adopted Party are dolls we created for each student that they could draw on and dress as they like. The dolls consisted in a drawable fabric and metalic articulations. The final goal was to use the metalic articulations to connect all of them as one big doll. This in addition to exposing the designs of each of the children , to fulfill the function of becoming a fantasy to be used both by children as by the teacher.
Andrea Verbicario
What can I say my learning came from within to out . I've been creating Internal changes and externalizing . I summarizing this Conclusion a one expression "To learn the Truth to thank" In addition to writing , but create a perception sensitivity to That generated in you and allow yourself to grow . Be grateful to know when one speaks or even a one Look . I learned the importance of each individual participant. Knowing deal at the same rate with yourself and the difference of the other. Persistence and together practice walk and are essences to the work evolution. With an agenda of the Organization I could see how important the Planning and What is on day with the tasks you can have more use. This period in the tent was big surprises , I met wonderful people that I take a little of each one with me . In the environment that brought us a warmth , providing several positive changes. It was a process that prompted me to a self and an acceptance of how I am and I'm learning to relate to me in a new way to the world . Grateful for all this learning that began this time and I am taking my life as a designer and human. Thanks to Jacqueline for her smile to always open the door of your classes the 7am to receive us , by his sincerity when speaking of classes and their commitment to me and with my double , allowing that we could do this project and showing us despite difficulties how as it is beautiful raise a childs . Believe me, Olivia and the teacher Jacqueline became a trio which made me realize that the delivery, the truth in the project allows us surprises and learning and make it unique . Gratitude for the twinkle in his eye , the kisses and hugs from her students that she shared with us during our participation in their classes. Anyway, greatly appreciate your partnership in the real sense of the word. Thank you to my double , Olivia Rigon , that without it my process would not be the same whitout your dedication and their enthusiasm we won to doing us to create a stream of challenges and solutions that were balanced by our respect and companionship. The meeting of Andrea and Olivia gave me a productive and ripening period. I grew up a lot to relate to Olivia , seeing in her the questions I have in me and can work in me . I won and a double of project too a true friend who allowed me to be myself and keep the true in our relationship .
Olivia Rigon
Choosing to do II Project with Ana and Vicente was a difficult decision to make. Talking to people, I saw that I identified a lot with the methodology of the work and that the profile of students who have lived this experience was more similar to what I long for me in a few years than those who followed the college without going through this experience . But that was not what made me fearful, but the fact that everyone spoke that this was not just a college project, but of life, there was a lot more involved than I ever had, or would have some day and that many people could not get through it. Had a part that was afraid to open myself to something so new and innovative, one that was not afraid to give account, which I know is that we had some point I decided to stop being afraid to see how it would work. Now, without a doubt, I can say that has not this story of fear here! From the beginning, the project was only involvement. I did not study in a public school and do not know how many times had already entered in one before hitting CIEP's door , so right away I saw a prejudice that I had deconstruct. "The school is too much sympathy! There's even art class! ", I thought, little did I know that this was such art class I was going to meet me a totally different person and live one of the most powerful experiences I've ever had. The partnership with Professor Jacqueline was pure harmony, and this was only taking shape as they were returning to their meeting. This enthusiasm added to my meeting with my partner, Andrea, was the perfect combination! Got a mate that was beyond the project, but for Friendship life. A person who has become dear and provided me know great stories and take back, great learning. I believe that when you live something with great intensity, good things and the difficult things are equally intense. I came across an Olivia that I had not yet had the opportunity to meet. I started to value my time with her and discover virtues, weaknesses and a maturing over the person I once was. It was necessary to find a balance shaft, and found that one of my best qualities is to captivate people in my life that give me reason to be grateful every day, and it is they that help me build this axis. I'm sure the learning that I had this period will follow me in everything I decide to do, both in design and as a human being. Thanks to my double, Andrea, for not only been a couple of work, but because it was a great companion of life. We create a balanced relationship that has enabled us to share learnings and experiences with great complicity. Thank you for the trust she had in me, that was mutual, and, for my part, always growing. In our work, commitment to each other was accompanied with great affection that the expectations generated reached us. The possibility of having such a large exchange, created in us a tune that has enabled us to share a different view and thanks and that connection, we could do a project that has brought us so much love and satisfaction. I thank Professor Jacqueline first for opening your lesson for us in such a receptive way. Your class created in me the feeling that if all children had a teacher so eager to make a difference like her, we would live in a happier world. This project would not be possible without your joy, your enthusiasm and without her large claw. I learned to compromise and always look for a final purpose, and that it is always to provide the difference that this world so desperately needs.
Rating of Jacqueline Martins
To have Andrea and Olívia in the Art Room, at the peak of the excitement which is class 1302, was quite an experience. From the beginning I told them about my recurring "corocais"crisis: they are part of the job when the group is excessively AGITATED... In the words that left my mouth and they reeled in, in the objects they brought after observing classes, I could see myself in others eyes and it was amazing! After getting some things right, coming and going, the children were able to experience a very exciting and fun class, where the individual's gathered and became the collective "bonecal" costume! Afterwards, Olivia and Andrea were hugged and kissed fondly. I bet they will never forget what a great experience it was. We will miss you!
Discipline: DSG 1002
Class: 2014.2
Teachers: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente Barros, Luciana Grether, Maria do
Socorro Calhau