The grace of learning how to read

Dafne Rozencwaig de Faria e Souza
Rodrigo Cagnani
Social Group:
Ester Valente
Escola Municipal Dr. Cícero Penna
Av. Atlântica, 1976 - Copacabana
We carry out the Project II at the Municipal School Dr. Cícero Penna in Copacabana, with intercessory Ester Valente, Basic Core teacher. Over the meetings, we observed and recorded her lines in the classroom. From the set of words that make up the vocabulary universe of Esther, we determined the phrase objective for the project: "It might rain or it might shine, playing with books is the grace of learning to read." The crux of this phrase are the last words that highlight the importance of learning to read. We observed that every morning in the classroom Ester encourages children to read, the first thirty minutes of class, she leaves students free to pick any book on the shelf to read or to draw. Through out the elaborated experiments was set the Adopted Party for the work of the teacher: Composing and decomposing human and the prayer forms with subtitles. This definition has shown us that the human body would be our great book open to several interpretations. As a final prototype, a puppet of 1.45 m high was built, made with foam and covered with mistletoe blue lycra and carpet. For their complementary activities, sew bags mesh with acrylate, plastic and velcro and mini silicone bodies were swen. The prototype body shape together with the bodies, assist in science class, as the bags improve the interaction of images in the exemplification of portugueses exercises. This activity encourages oral communication, creativity and the way of expressing of each child.
Dafne Rozencwaig
Thanks to Esther by means of bringing the game into the classroom and creer in the act of educating, being a supermom for children, which created in me the inspiration to work with what I believe and put a lot of love in every act . I thank Rodrigo by being companion throughout the project, always worrying about me and the progress of steps, despite obligations outside, made sure to be present at all times by my side. I was surprised in every way to know a sweet boy and full of stories to tell, his determination captivates me every day.
Rodrigo Cagnani
I thank Esther because from the beginning of the semester have helped us with ideas, criticisms and always try to extract the best of us to say " I filled the bag of you, why these children deserve the best tools to assist them in learning", it made me fell very proud about my partner, my teachers, group of friends and for herself, and learned that it is facing obstacles that appears every day in our lives that makes this journey be more rewarding. Thank Dafne by being very strict in requiring her demands. Her willpower inspired me to give my best in this project, her charisma inspired me to smile in difficult times and her friendship inspired me to be more loyal to hers ideas. It is with great admiration that I finish this semester next to her and will be a great pleasure to work with hers ideas at any other stage of this life.
Ester Valente
Dafne and Rodrigo met us and could be with us in true moments we were as we are. Very cool the interest shown by us, attention to children, realizing that would be relevant to facilitate their learning in a playful way . Liked to see them interact with experiments and even the mess of times by the interaction. The fact that the puppet, full of fun holes with issues pertinent lessons that can be replaced by others when it runs what is proposed there. Too bad it 's over!
Subject: DSG 1002
Class: 1AC
Teachers: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente Barros, Luciana Grether, Maria do
Socorro Calhau