Deborah Chiarelli
Clarisse Veiga
Social Group:
Carlota Meire de Mello Cordeiro
Escola Municipal Albert Schweitzer
Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Bairro das Laranjeiras, Rua General Glicério
At the school Albert Schweitzer in General Glicério in the neighborhood of Laranjeiras, I was able to make a project with my partner, Clarisse Veiga. We chose to observe a music class with a group of 3rd year and 4th year and the function of the intercessor, Carlota, was to pass to the students a basic understanding of music. The teacher seeks the pace of the childrens, the concentration and the perception of the time of a song. She also gave the kids a few lyrics to memorize and sing. One of her activities was to split the class in two groups. One that sing the chosen song and another that play the instruments. From that on, Carlota taught the rhythm to the children for them to learn the pulse and get control of all the instruments. Then the teacher asked them to sing while she played the keyboard and the children sang, creating a choir and an orchestra. From the set of words that compose the vocabulary universe of Carlota Cordeiro, we recognize as a theme for the project: the soft voice and the sound of the orchestra touch your heart". Carlota make the voices sound as one, creating a soft sound while others play their instruments at the pulse of the music. Having made the cold and warm, we take it to the tent and conclude the Partido Adotado. The warms were the instruments. They were associated to the objective sentence, as they were part of the orchestra and added to the voice of the children, they touched hearts. Besides that, to search the soft sound, we would explore the softness of the instruments. This way, we conclude our Partido Adotado, the instruments we would make and their graus of softness. As final object, Ganza were made with bamboo. 5 pairs of 24cm and 12cm of length. The first one with two small bags of wooden beads, and the second only with one. To close it and play it we clothed the tips with cotton fabric and flue to make it harder and a rubber air chamber from the diameter of the bamboo to fix the fabric and have a good final closure. The Ganza is being used to follow the voices of the children while one group sings and the other group plays. Besides that, its good to give you a better notion to the sound of the instruments and the difference between the bass and the treble.
Deborah Chiarelli
The experience of this project reminded me of and universe that I had a lot of affection and the feeling of missing it, that were the music classes at 4th grade. it was essential to search my effort. This project opened my heart and eyes, understanding that the mistakes always come to help.
Clarisse Veiga
I met great people that exhale kindness. I learned the importance of producing a little bit everyday. To listen and appreciate given suggestions and I could see the value of diverse forms of help. Now I give help with more frequency.
Deborah Chiarelli
Greetings to Carlota for always helping us and accepting us even when things are not so clear for her. I thank for the patience when we were in a hurry and for the time she gave us of her class. Thanks to Clarisse for being a patient person and for making me know a new kind of relationship at work.
Clarisse Veiga
Thanks to Deborah for being a balanced person at work. I learned a lot from her hits and mistakes. She’s very calm and dedicated and her knowledge is vast enough for us to be the perfect team. Thanks to Carlota for being an excellent professional, always giving her soul to the students, so they could learn the magic of sounds.
Evaluation of the intercessor
I declare that Deborah and Clarisse made part of the music lessons, bringing contributions for a series of instruments creations. The students were surprised with every instrument they brought and immediately wanted to choose one to play. The girls showed a lot of affection to us and we feel the same way.
Discipline: DSG 1002
Class: 1001
Teachers: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente Barros, Luciana Grether, Maria do
Socorro Calhau