Our Lab With Hopscotch

Elena Till
Joana Uchôa
Social Group:
Marcello Bressane
Escola Municipal Desembargador Oscar Tenório
Rua Professor Manoel Ferreira, 141, Gávea, Rio de Janeiro
We chose to work in the Escola Municipal Desembargador Oscar Tenório with the science teacher Marcello Bressane, who lectures the 6th grade, after we visited four classes with diferent teachers. So, we watched some of Marcello’s classes, where he asked his students to make exercises of a book given by the government, and he also took the students to the science lab for pratical lessons and to watch documentaries. Looking after the set of words which compose the vocabular universe of Marcello Bressane, we recognized the theme of our project: " The people lab is the variety of human experiencies of the planet. Its necessary to trust the task and in the experiment of listening to humans." We saw that our partner was always really worried in listening to what his students had to say, and this really relates to our theme sentence. He always asked the students opinions about what was being lectured, and what they thought about the informations. We defined as our concept the idea of circumference the spaces and to create activities after them. We created as a final object a Hopschotch with its spaces in circular form, with eight colorful little pillows with pockets that the kids could add drawings of animals and habitats. We made it all in napa, with black vies in its counters. The little pillows were also made of napa with vies, and the pockets were made of plastic, and the drawings were made of paper and contact paper.Our object enables the creation of a series of games and activities inside the idea of the Hopscotch. The kids can throw the pillows in one of the houses of the hopscotch, jump, and in the moment they catched it, they would have to answer a question about an animal or a habitat that the drawing indicates. Its also possible to make a food chain in the Hopscotch form, with the pillows and ask the students to jump and get a specific trofic level, chosen by their teacher.
Joana Uchôa
Now that we've reached the end of our Project 2, I can say with all certainty that I'm really happy for choosing Ana Branco's and Vicente Barros's class. Working with a similar methodology of our first project have made me understand better the reason of each step, and how they must be made. I realized that both of them stimulate the union between the partners and the cooperator, making possible that the final object its consequence of group work, and not only of Design students. After one semester of meetings in the tent, the gratitudes, the sun juices and the sneakers full of sand, I finally started to understand why the other students of other periods said when telling me about choosing this methodology in Project 2 is something which changes your way of relating to life. It only takes to hear the word "gratitude" out of someones mouth that I already start to formulate in my head, "Im thankful for(...), for saying (...), which made me (...), and made me learn that (...). Amd I stay really happy for this, because its a really beautiful atitude. Working with the teacher Marcello during all this semester showes me how important it is for an educator have the need and interest in hearing his students. This way, creating a bigger bond of trust inside the class, and it becomes more fluid. As we worked together weekly in an enviroment in which that happened, i realized that this isn't limited only to the teaching enveirment. I learned that its always important to hear those who show themselves as well intentioned as passing a message.This ks the diferencial in constructing relationships. Im thankful to the teacher Marcello Bressane for fully entering in the project. This made me more confident for the conclusion of our object and made me learn that fhe project works much better when all the envolved show themselves interested in actively participating. Im thankfull to my partner Elena Till for the peacefull and participant partnership. This made confortable and happy as I saw we would conclude our project in a pleasent way and made me learn that we have to value the companies which make us happy.
Elena Till
As we reached the end of our process, its with satisfaction that me and my partner Joana handled our "amarelinha" to Marcello which was very happy with the result amd all the process, as well as his students. With the end of the project, its evident that weve grown not only in learning, but in personal matter too, where I learned how to relate with our partner, with the kinds and with Joana, in a marathon of activities done for its final conclusion. The great lesson of being thanksfull to the small things changed my way of thinking making me pay more attention to the small things that life and people can offer.All the process was made with a lot of pleasure and affection, me and my partner Joana created a strong friendship, as well as creating a special relationship with Marcello. Im thankfull to Marcello Breasse for his partnership and excitment in all the project, this made me have a lot of pleasure in making this project work, and made me learn how all the project has its beauty and function, and how affection is essential for the making of the project. Im thankfull to my partner Joana Uchoa, for the big partnership in all the process, this made me have an enormous affection for her and rhe project, and made me learn how bonds can become so strong in the evolution of our work.
Subject: DSG 1002
Class: 1AC
Professors: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente Barros, Luciana Grether, Maria do
Socorro Calhau