Coloring knowledge project

Fernanda Mendes
Julia Ries
Social Group:
Carla Baroni
Colégio Municipal Almeida Garret
Av. Gen. Guedes Fontura,470- Barra da Tijuca,Rj
The project was carried out at the Municipal School Almeida Garret with Professor Carla Baroni. Carla teaches a class of the first year of grade school. Her role is to teach children to read and write, the basics of mathematics and how to get along in the classroom. To achieve this she uses interactive activities, songs, stories and games. Inspired by the following set of words in the universe of Carla’s vocabulary, the theme for our project materialized: "Coloring knowledge helps to learn how to mix music with history, color and friendship." Carla proposed an activity putting the children in a circle to tell a story of the forest while asking the students to sing the songs of the animals during several parts of the tale. Besides this, a game known as “hot potato” was introduced into the circle, which dictates that an object must be passed from hand to hand to all participants and when the song stops, the kid holding the object is eliminated from the game. However Carla adapted this game to a version that when the song was stopped, the kid holding the object would have to read a word and choose another kid from the circle to say another word starting with the same letter of the word which had been read earlier on. The concept that was set, was that all experiments involving interaction with children, which were large and allowed interdisciplinary actions, were better and could be a guide for the next variations leading to the final goal. We created an “interdisciplinary clothesline”. After varying materials, measurements and considering our proposal of the durability of the final experiment, we come to the conclusion that we would build it using the following materials; Thin Hula Hoops, colored Neoprene, Veludine in yellow, orange, red, pink, purple, dark blue, light blue and green, Buckram, Velcro, plastic crystal, Napa plastic in blue, red, green and beige, Cardboard with average weight and Paperboard. · First of all we grouped the hula hoops into 3 units, forming two circular structures, we then covered them with black Neoprene. · The second step was to cut the green Napa Plastic to measure 15x9,5 inches to form the structure of the alphabet, blue to measure 15x9,5 inches so as to form the structure of numbers, red to measure 25x14 inches so that it would form the didactic structure of “Serafina” and beige to measure 26x22 inches so that it would form the structure of the free frames. · The third step was to cut the Plastic Crystal to half of their respective measurements in centimeters and amounts of 26 letters relevant to the alphabet, 20 numbers, 8 letters of the didactic structure of Serafina and 12 free frame structures. · The same thing was done in the fourth step, except that the material to be measured and cut was Cardboard Paper, which would become the base of each structure described. · In the fifth step, paperboard was also cut to the measurements of the props(ornaments), we bought adhesive paper, printed them at home and cut them out to stick on the Paperboard. · The sixth step was to coat the Buckram with Veludine, which formed the structures of the strips; four 1.90 cm strips were fixed to the structure of the circles and besides acting as a support for the format of the structure it provided support for the props(ornaments). The other remaining four 1.70 cm strips were left as moveable structures.
Fernanda Mendes
Living this experience caused me to mature as a person, made me relive many moments of this infant universe present in my memories. Besides having known people who work with what really makes them happy and due to this, makes them more sensitive as human beings and willing to face the challenges of everyday life, inspired me immensely. During these four months I was able to experience incredible experiences and imaginable for me. The classroom environment created by teachers Ana and Vicente together with their monitors was actually something quite impressive right from the start and very positive. This connection with nature that the classroom between trees gives us, directly reflects the harmony and tranquility of the countless hours we spent there. Many were the lessons I learned during this project, one, which struck me most, was about thankfulness. For never before had I thought about the simple fact of thanking the people for their actions and how collaborative relationships make all the difference whether it being for one goal or for life. Knowing to acknowledge those who teach us, even involuntarily is a very noble and sincere attitude, because without them we would not be the people we are today. The new relationships I built during this project were important in my development, many of which helped as an inspiration. Today, I am aware that all obstacles during these months have been overcome, and above all, I see very good points in them. I believe that we are what we allow ourselves to be and that's exactly how I faced this project, ready to give my best and seek to learn from everyone around me as much as possible and learn to listen to them. Acknowledgements. I thank my partner Julia for being so determined, creative and helpful in every moment of our project. This generated my great admiration for her as a person and the happiness of having her as a partner. I thank the teacher Carla Baroni for having received us with so much love in her work place, for having offering herself up to our proposals without the slightest problem and always trying to collaborate with us. All of which has led me to several contemplations on the values of life, thus touching my humane and sensitive side.
Julia Ries
This project was extremely rewarding, to live this universe of the “tent” was amazing, experiencing “light juice” and sharing a rich and calm environment with people of all kinds. All the advice and comments from teachers encouraged me a lot and aroused in me feelings that led me to make sure that the project would be well accomplished. The workshops contributed to new knowledge of materials, which is something enchanting in the world of design and for me, since I am always searching to find different types of materials, to know them and not to replicate the same things, always trying to diversify with each experiment I build. Meeting Carla cannot stay out of this narrative of amazing things, for without her the project would not have taken the form it did and spending the semester with her was magical. The experience with the project is surely unique and made me overcome much prejudice. Gratitude helped me see how thankful we have to be for everything that happens to us, even bad things, because we should always take advantage of them. One of the reasons I will hold this project in my memory dearly and be eternally grateful for, was to have had an experienced few have had and the chance of being able to appreciate these little moments. There were five special students in Carla’s class, and in one of them, a 6-year-old boy named João Vitor, who has Selective Mutism and neurological problems. Whenever we went in the school he was quiet and Carla said it was normal for him not to participate or talk. However, one day in the middle of a lot of activity and fun he got up and said "Aunt Carla, let me play?" And when Carla was about to explain he said, "I know Aunt Carla, I see my friends, I will participate as well." And the throughout that day he did not stop laughing and playing. It was something shocking and pleasant, to see a dumb person talk, it is a wealth that few appreciate, but it is something magical that was provided thanks to my teachers who encouraged us to work in public schools, a place that everybody says is not good. Here they make us learn and find that, that is where the greatest ingenuousness, innocence and affection lies. Those who do not have very much to offer, very often offers far beyond those who have much, and this was a lesson for the rest of my life. For without seeking I found something that many have not and there is nothing more satisfying and rewarding than seeing my simple experiments changing lives, including mine. Acknowledgements. I thank my partner Fernanda for acting with total focus and partnership. Whenever I needed her commitment she responded, thus causing the project to follow at a great pace. We also created a bond of great harmony, together we tried to find the answers we needed. The punctuality of our meetings also made our relationship something really meaningful. I thank Professor Carla for showing me things beyond my reach by mixing students of all kinds, with multidisciplinary content. This created an ability in me to understand that even the little things are the most valuable, that a subject can become something great and that we can take much advantage of it. I also thank her for introducing and giving me an insight into the public education where I believe many do not see the innocence and naivety of these children, in their every hug and sincerity and in how they treat you. It also generated the knowledge in me, of the limits and capabilities of each person, because everyone needs his or her “time” and the children are the ones who need this very much-sought attention at this stage.
Carla Baroni
Throughout the semester , I received the students Julia and Fernanda who attended weekly literacy class 1101 in Almeida Garrett , where I am class conductor. From early on , the two were linked to the class in a climate of interaction, collaboration and affection. Thus , it has become common to receive them group with the sound chorus " eeeeeee " followed by hugs and cuddles . Their presence in the classroom has become synonymous with innovation and endless possibilities . All this turned enchantment for children. For me , particularly , was a pleasure to receive them. Our meetings have always had taste of " treasure hunt " , such satisfaction in handling and experience the possibilities afforded by the materials brought by them . We ended the very accomplices half because they knew of my greatest wishes in relation to the group and engaged entire way and thrilled with the progress experienced by them. Together we, play, sing , learn and discover many still possible colors to color the world of enchantment that permeates the process of building knowledge of our children.
Discipline: DSG 1002
Class: 1AC
Professors: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente Barros, Luciana Grether, Maria do
Socorro Calhau