Antônio Marchini
Isabel Teixeira Guia

Grupo social:
Verônica Paiva Covertito de Araújo

Escola Municipal Marília de Dirceu
Rua Jangadeiros, 39, Ipanema


We began the semester looking for schools and teachers who agreed and wanted to join us in the project, in order to create an object that could be used as teaching material and could hold the attention of the students and help them to learn. In the search we ended up choosing the school Marília de Dirceu (39 Jangadeiros Street, Ipanema), first year of elementary school, teacher Verônica. We chose it because we wanted a place that had never had received such a project and we were blown away by the kids and by the way the teacher teaches students in a dynamic way. Over the first four meetings, the teacher worked every day with a calendar, ( first issues of class every day) mathematics and Portuguese - always using the calendar words or the names of students - we also realised that Veronica was strict and loving at the same time, she helped students while wanted them to learn by themselves, and not let anyone behind, always worried that all students participate in all games. through the set of words that make up Veronica’s vocabulary universe we recognise as the theme for the project: "Attention here, thinking and risk taking helps to learn." From this phrase we built many objects for experimentation and we got our party adopted, focusing on making an object that could be used by all of them and that was part of the routine of the children - as already said by the teacher , "if they do a little bit every day, soon they are doing by themselves" and as she showed, she always wanted the students to take risks and would not allow them,at least, not to try. We trying then to join the calendar, mathematics and Portuguese (written). After a series of trials we reached our final goal, an interactive calendar 1,48x60, made of carpet that contained a checkered fabric and carpet squares sewn Velcro and covered by plastic to attach the days of the month, year and day of the week, for the count they had coloured squares that were glued on the calendar - each color representing a number of "points" of 1 to 10. The intercessory used the Final Prototype at the beginning of the class to remember the days of July until the present day. First, she asked on what day of the week had begun the month. Calling one student at a time, she asked them to put the days of the week in order; then they should put the days of the month beginning in Wednesday until day 9, the present day. Veronica then explained what the coloured squares meant and the value that each color represented.


The project allowed me to pass better through this phase of changes that were still going on in my life. I was still unsure about live in Rio, so the project made me realize the importance of risk and the benefit it brings - both teachers, Ana and Vicente, proposed different things and made me realize that I need to do thing more by myself and Veronica already tought it to students and ends up hitting me very positively. The project also helped me to see a very close reality of me but at the same time very different, as the children’s reality, and led me to think a lot more about the lived realities and social differences. I thank Antônio for supporting me and divided the work and experiences with me throughout the project, it has generated in me realize that when we let go and have empathy for the problems of others, do not become just a group project for a semester, it makes us more friends than before. I thank Veronica for showing me without even having the intention, that people need to take a risk and have to work a little bit every day and if you do and always practice an hour, you will lear and will be making it alone, this make me realize that even sometimes that I feel sad or insecure about being away from home, I need to take a risk if I want to learn to be more independent and strong and if I want to graduate in what I like, in short, generated in me courage.


The speeches and intercessory shares during the visits and conversations with Isabel helped me cope better with some family problems and learn not to build a concept of a person without knowing it better. I thank Veronica mainly for the concern she has with each student, considering their difficulties individually, while conducting a class that is useful for the whole class, that encourages children to you risk even when they are not sure of their answer. I am also very grateful of her for teaching their students that is necessary respect each other regardless of their differences. I thank Isabel for conversations we had during the whole semester and for the help at the times when I could not fulfil the activities proposed by teachers. We became more than project partners.

Verônica Paiva Covertito de Araújo

The students were very interested and questioned in the early stage. The observations made by them actually portraits the dynamics and class routine. The materials presented to accompany the different activities were mostly very interesting, creative and especially useful. The commitment of both in the definition and details on the materials was very good to determine the final product.

Subject: DSG 1002
Class: 1AC / 2015.1
Professors: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente Barros, Luciana Grether, Vanusa Maria de Melo

e-mail: anabranc@puc-rio.br

Versão em Português