The History speaks of our words

Clara Goldenstein
Julia Prochnik
Social Group:
Melissa Paiva
Ciep Presidente Agostinho Neto
Rua Visconde Silva, Humaitá
This project occurred on the Ciep Presidente Agostinho Neto, in the class of teacher Melissa Paiva. It’s a literacy class, so Melissa teaches children to read and to write. One of the activities we observed, was the teacher telling stories to the students, and then asking them what they understood about it. From the group of words that are part of Melissa’s vocabulary universe, we recognize as theme for the projetct: “The word brings the history of things”. This sentence relates clearly to the work of the teacher, who always tries to teach sylablles and words through stories. The defined concept was that we should create a type of material that united literacy with story telling. For the final object, we madean apron, made of cetim and carpete. It is used in a way that children put silables and figures on it, making words and images.
To me, Julia, this experience was wonderful, not only in the academical way. I realised that we can always learn something, in all moments and from all the things, doesn’t matter how simple they are. I also learnt about the importance of working together with so many people, because this project is not only about me and Clara, it’s about our teachers, our class, Melissa and her pupils. Each and every person brought something special for my learning, and I’m thankful for that. I thank Melissa for being such a atencious and careful teacher. That makes me realise that for being a good professional, there must be love for what you do. I hope that, in my life, I can be as happy with my job as Melissa is with hers. I thank Clara for being such a dedicated partner and friend. That makes me realise that work and friendship can work together, since there is mutual respect, love and will to learn.
I used to go to the school every day, the kids climbed me to achieve my lap, all those warm hands smoothing and braiding my hair, admiring me, and I just smilled, looking at their skin tones and their vivid and sincere hairs. I arrived at school every day, children climbed me to achieve my lap, all those hands toasty warm smoothing my hair, braiding and hairstyles, admiring me, and I just smiled, looking at their skin tones and their vivid and sincere hairs. Once at the tent Ana said about that there’s no place in the world where people study design as she teaches us. This experience made me grow through discoveries. I discovered how good can be to work with children and live with them, I found that the wealth of creativity is in the process, I discovered that I love even more my country and the warmth of our human relationships. I have learned, with Ana and Vicente, how to make design collectively, and now I know that I’ll take this valuable learning with me to all corners. The tent, the sand covering the ground and the trees that makes the air fresher, made me feel stronger, confident and spontaneous to follow what I believe. I thank Melissa for opening her classroom doors and her heart to us. It was only through this meeting that we could create a material that will be helpful for children's literacy. This makes me think about how the world seems to go quiet with the production of thousands of objects that are not adapted to their users and need instruction manual. I thank Julia for being such a sweet friend and work partner, that made me realise that when we are doing something good we atract other better things.
Subject: DSG 1002
Class: 1AC / 2015.1
Professors: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente Barros, Luciana Grether, Vanusa Maria de Melo