Flowers on the Garden

Carolina Machado Leal
Guilherme Renan de Menezes Silva
Social Group:
Marcia Roberta Amon
Escola Municipal República da colômbia
Rua Rosalina Brand, 200 - Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22631-260
FWe did our project at the Escola Municipal República da Colômbia in partnership with Marcia Roberta Amon who is the teacher of the second year class of the elementary school with students from 7 to 9 years old. During our meetings we could observe activities such as Portuguese classes, where they learned literacy and word formation, and math classes, where they learned simple operations. We realized then that Marcia was there to guide the learning of all students as the main source of knowledge for them. We follow several activities with her, as corrections of exercises, stories to keep the subject given on the class within the students' daily life and the observation of every exercise thereof. From the set of words that make up the vocabulary universe of Marcia we have recognized as the theme for the project: "In the geometric history of the game and in the zipzipzá, the exercise I will explain." The activity that Marcia related to the topic sentence was when she asked his students to distinguish what words were written with "ss" and which were written with only one "s" or "h" and without "h", for example. The concept defined as objective for the project on the basis of the first ideas was to create something that would make the subject more ludic, to bring the children closer to one another in a certain space and finally something to make the learning become fun for them. As the final object we created 10 flowers formed by 10 removable petals and from one side of the petals were digraphs and syllables. The flowers were made with 5 different colors of felt and with a circle brackets at the tip of each of the petals so that they can join each other. The letters made of fabric were sewn on the felt. Our last object is being used both for learning math and Portuguese, because as it consists of 100 removable petals in ten different groups, students can work units, tens and hundreds, working the math. Also when turning to the other side the children can form words by joining the petal’s syllables or forming new ones witch has one especific diagraph.
Gratitudes Carolina:
For me, Carolina, I am happy that this project has served to help in a real learning of these children and many other second-year classes that will go through this school. I could see how hard is to teaching students in the same class with such different levels of knowledge, in large part because of how this subejct was developed at home and the consciousness of the student himself, for that reason, I hope our colorful and didactic flowers, can also bring color and fun to the learning of these students, who every Monday and Wednesday came running to hug me and Guilherme and be truly interested by our presence there. It made me become a more realistic human being, and also to my growth as a designer. I am grateful to Marcia, our partner, since the begining recived us really well, with a smile, and always interested by what we brought and what we had to show. Without this energy, our project would be much heavier than it really was, it created in me a great pleasure to work during this period with her, and innumerable learning about the life of each child and the difficult of being one of the most responsible person for so many differents futures. She showed me that if you are not really struggling in this profession, and not really love it, it's very difficult to deal with everything even for a single day. I am grateful to her for having raised in me such admiration of her profession and person. I am grateful to my partner, Guilherme, who by luck or fate we have decided to do this work together and not only by luck or fate we made it work. I am very grateful to him, to sometimes have been so scared making us always up to date with the project, and also the words to lulling me at the time that I was scared or pushing too much. The such patience he had with me and with all the difficulties I had during the semester, either on project or not, he has always been there to help. All this has generated in me such a desire to make a beautiful project, not only for me but for him too, created in me learning how important it is to choose a pair that you get along to make everything work as expected.
Gratitudes Guilherme:
For me, Guilherme, was very good to do this project at the Escola Municipal República da Colômbia because I could get closer to the public education system of the country and thus expand my worldview. The project served to decrease my selfishness - often unintended - and gain a more detailed look at everything that's around me, from materials that can be reused resulting in lower environmental impact -as we did with the experiments- even people, because I started to notice more the needs and expectations of them, becoming more selfless. Another issue that the project that got me thinking for a long time was the true love sent by children. It was enjoyable to get there and every single day get a group hug. This led me to learn that we must always give us someone because the hugs received glad my day, so I decided to adopt this practice for life, always trying to bring love and smiles to everyone around. This project undoubtedly changed my personality. I thank Marcia teacher for always greet us with a smile and a kiss, making it much more pleasurable project. This led me to learn the importance of maintaining a good relationship with the intercessor for the development of a good project, which took place at a time when both myself and Carol as the teacher were satisfied and happy with the result. Thanks to my partner Carol for being a great companion and for being easy to deal with because it made me learn that we must always be willing to give of ourselves to develop a Project with mixed characteristics of the pair. Thanks also to his inexhaustible effort when making the draws, experiments and buying materials, as this led me to learn that we must always have courage and determination to do our jobs. I also thank her for making me company throughout this semester and have become my friend. This led me to learn that we must be willing to seek meeting new people, because it promotes personal growth and happiness.
Discipline: DSG 1002
Class: 1AC
Professors: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente Barros, Luciana Grether, Vanusa Maria de Melo