Colored flags for Communication

Alex Silvério
Priscila Rosa
Social Group:
Andréia Luisa Dantas De Sena aluisa.
Escola Municipal Júlio de Castilhos
Praça Santos Dumont, Gávea, Rio de Janeiro
To accomplish the Project 2, we, Alex Silvério and Priscila Rosa, made a partnership and chose the Escola Municipal Júlio de Castilhos. Our partner was the teacher Andréia Luisa, whose function is lecturing to the 5th grade of elementary school. We were present and watched her in maths and portuguese classes most times. Her activities included dictations, assignment corrections, and tests. From the set of words that make up the universal vocabulary of Andreia recognize as the theme for the project: "Time to fix the notebook, it's time to stop the talk." This sentence is seen at times when Andreia corrects the Pedagogical notebook during class time when there is much talk and inattention in class. After using 20 experiments built by us based on the project-sentence theme, we defined our concept as the importance of communication between the teacher and students. Our Party adopted would be related to something that caught the attention of students providing a communication channel between the two parties. As a final object, we decided to create larger boards where boards with smaller messages and cards with the same colors could be docked for distribution to students. They were made with paper, foil paper, Contact paper, duplex paper, PVC plastic, ilhose, suction cups and key rings. Its first use was to account for the number of right questions of the students after a sham test.
Evaluating the stages of the Project 2 and all the work we had during the period, I realized that all the effort invested was worth it. I realized that being in a group in which I did not want to be at the beginning of the semester put me in a situation out of my comfort zone, in which I had to face challenges and learn how to handle different situations with which I was not used. I learned to deal with a partner that did not know before and seemed very different to me at first, I had to get used to a completely different classroom from all others, and demands that seemed meaningless at first. To complete the project, I have learned from all of these issues. I learned that it's not easy to start a partnership with someone who I don't know, but it is essential at all stages of not only the professional career, as in life. I learned that such thanks I did not understand how they worked earlier completely change the way of seeing life. It is a way of perceiving things have changed and influenced us and we would not have discovered if we had just lived without analyzing and reflecting on them. I learned that the creative process is chaotic and it comes amid doubts, not certainties. I learned that listening and watching is better than talking and judging.
My participation in the project allowed me to infer on the importance of hearing and seeing everything around me. In Design is necessary to be aware of what surrounds us, ignoring our certainties in favor of the architectural design environment tells us.
I thank Andreia for her joy and patience during all stages of our project. In many instances, we put her in a difficult situation, where she would have to create a function for some experiment, for example. Despite difficulties, we saw her always smiling and trying hard to cooperate in the best way. Her commitment and pleasure in helping us were of enormous importance to my growth during the project. Finally, I thank Alex for his partnership during the entire period. We were together during times of fatigue, lack of ideas and lack of understanding about some stager, but we managed to overcome all of them learning to take advantage of situations that at first look bad. His calm, dedication, effort and attention to detail inspired me to be a better person.
I thank to Andreia for providing each classroom a learning experience. Sharing the environment with the teacher and students makes the project alive, changing every class in which all increasingly reach a tune. This brought me happiness, seeing each daily learning to become an object to the end of the project. I thank to Priscila for the exchange of experiences. From the exchange of information, I could see the importance of multiple views on the realization of the project. It created in me the desire to hear and see more all around, suffer new influences that are not within my expectations, in favor of diversity.
Discipline: DSG 1002
Class: 1AC
Teachers: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente Barros, Luciana Grether, Vanusa Maria de Melo