Form in Moviment is Love that Transforms

Alice Biolchini
Luna Castro
Social Group:
Rosana de Almeida Veríssimo Leite
Escola Especial Municipal Marly Froes Peixoto
Rua Jardim Botânico, 660, Jardim Botânico
The project was developed at Escola Especial Municipal Marly Froés Peixoto, inside the Associação Brasileira Beneficente de Reabilitação, at Jardim Botânico neighbourhood, where we accompanied lessons of our professional partner Rosana Veríssimo, at the Brazilian educational stage that is equivalent to British’ Class 9. The teacher works with literacy for children with multiple deficiencies between the ages of 5 to 11, and her main goal in the lessons is advancing their cognitive development, working upon the difficulties and individualities of each one. Frequently during her classes we observed her reading books to the students, when she showed big and colourful figures to grasp their attention. From the group of words that were extracted from Rosana’s vocabulary universe, we defined for our project the following conceptual phrase: “Olha diferente e vê o amor”, which can be translated to “Look different and see the love”. We could perceive the presence of that conceptual phrase during the painting activities that the teacher had with her students, working individually with each one, always respecting their differences and limits. In this way, our intercessor allowed us to see the love. After the prototypes experimentations and the “quente-frio”, translated as “hot-cold” dynamic, the objective of the project was defined as the work on the basis of affection, sound and contact with the body of the children. Having this discovery in mind, our final prototypes were wooden geometric forms with therapeutic stones laced on them and tightened on nylon cords. The product can be used in 3 different ways: with only the stones, or the forms isolatedly, as much as those two items together.
Alice Biolchini
Gratitude to the partner: I would like to immensely thank my partner Luna Castro in this incredible project for being there for me at all times when I needed to work and share my fears, anxieties and conquers. She is an amazing person, caring and very dedicated to talking to the professors in search of improvement and ideas for materials of our experiments and variations. We are alike in thinking and even though I am the realist and she the optimist, we get along very well. For that, I would like to thank her for trusting me and creating this partnership during the process of this difficult and of great responsibility project, which we chose to do. I learnt with my partners’ personality and with everything said above that “the time is our friend” and even though an optimist person tells you that while you being a realist, being open to accept the different, we see the love, and having this in mind, we believe in time. Gratitude to the intercessor: Rosana Veríssimo taught me to observe. I would like to thank her for this learning that seems to be simple, but is very profound. I had the great pleasure to know this woman, who is an incredible mother to her childrens and an inspiring teacher to the students of Escola Marly Fróes Peixoto, with whom i worked for a semester in the university. Rosana is incredible, inspiring and let me enjoy her knowledge.
Luna Castro
Gratitude to the partner: I thank Alice for living this project with me until the end. This dedication and respect as a partner has generated in me a huge learning experience about how it is to work in group and how complicity is important for the realization of a work like this one. Since there wasn’t effective participation at the first project I did, to do a project with an extremely involved person was a new and rewarding experience to me. I was able to learn and respect the limit and accept the rhythm of another person, that is not me. Gratitude to the intercessor: I thank Rosana for having a lot of participation in our project. her constant worry gave me an immense happiness because I was able to realize and learn that it was only in this was that Alice and I were able to do a final product that would shelter not only our goal as partners, but also the goal the had with this project. It really was a work in team and I believe that Rosana’s complete delivery in our project was what made this possible.
Discipline: DSG 1002
Class: 1AC
Professors: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente Barros, Luciana Grether, Vanusa Maria de Melo