The panel game develops the will of learning

Benno Bryskier Gleitzmann
Pedro Berredo
Social Group:
Prof. Rachel Chaves
Escola Municipal Júlio de castilhos
Praça Santos Dumont, 96 - Gávea, Rio de Janeiro - RJ
We did this project at the Municipal School Julio de Castilhos with our partner Rachel Guedes, teacher of the class 1301, the 3rd grade students, between 8 and 10 years. We went for some of the lessons that happened 07:00 to 12:00, which were as much about compulsory subjects as about the things that happens in student’s routine and also joining them. The teacher proposed an activity for the students, such as creating posters for them shows the difference between natural and modified landscapes. Then she explained the differences and hung all in the board. From the set of words that we collect from what Rachel said since our first meet, we recognize as the theme of the project: “The desire to draw develops the fun to learn.". From the union of two experiments, the teacher used draws that were being uncovered gradually, so that students could guess what was drew and how it was spelled that word. a good way to memorize and learn while having fun. We take charge of some experiments and variations that had relation with the phrase chosen previously. After we take and used all the experiments, we asked the teacher to perform a dynamic warm and cold (activity where it classified the preferred experiments and those who did not create impact). As a consequence of the choice of the hot experiments by Rachel, we set our party adopted: a board where the teacher would have access to some important information, it would be possible to do evaluation about the day and/or the classes and would have some fun. We developed a carpet panel with several items, all of cloth, with the necessary information sublimated and sewn with another piece of cloth with a velcro and a Parana paper to have strength and stick on the carpet. Contained 4 titles: Evaluation, Calendar, Routine and Time. The evaluation was made with five items, each corresponding to one week of the month, and had a piece of polietineno plastic (able to write and delete) that could be rolled and button up to optimize space. The teacher used to write down the positive and negative things that happen each week. The calendar was made with: 7 items, one for each day of the week; 31 for the days of the month; 12 with the months of the year written; 6 for the years 2015-2020 and 65 divided among happy, middle and sad faces. The faces were used to demonstrate that day had passed and shows how was that day. For routine we did six items with a plastic sheet sewn above the cloth, so it could write and erase with board pilot. In it, the intercessor wrote which class or activity the students would have that day. For the time we made 4 large and 8 small items. The bigger had four possibilities of meteorology designs (sun, sun with clouds, completely cloudy and rain) and the small were the same representations, but double of each. In the larger items had buttons that allowed the creation of different faces with 6 types of mouths, 6 pairs of eyes and three pairs of eyebrows expressing different feelings. The teacher used the large to represent the time at that moment, enabling students add the humor with the faces, and used the little to show how was the day before and how would be next. Finally, had a space to create a big face that could express different emotions with 6 mouths, 6 pairs of eyes and 3 different pairs of eyebrows, these were the largest. In addition to them, had over 20 pairs of eyes, 20 mouths and 12 eyebrows smaller that could be spread throughout the panel, adding the mood for evaluations, routine and calendar. At the top of the Calendar we have done a fold and put a piece of wood, so that he was straight and tied with a rope for Rachel could hang in the room.
Benno’s acknowledgment
Since I found out about this project in a collaboration I had with Ana Branco at the room between trees in my first college period, I was very excited to realize it, as much about the positive first impression I had that day with the teacher and with the space as with the possibility of working with children -which is one of the things I most like to do and do since I’m 16, volunteering- in a place that I had never experienced, teaching in a public school. Doing this project was very realizer, both by the effort and time invested in it as for all the benefits that provided. First, during this time I was changing the way of seeing how and for what we do some things, helping me get more advantadge with the alternatives that we had. In addition, the whole relationship bond of that we have created in these months were very important and had a I big impact on the process of the entire project. Finally, look at our prototype ready and think how it can be used and enjoyed by the teacher to help in the education of many childrens is completely amazing. I had the opportunity to work with Pedro, who i had known six months before the beginning of the project, and the relationship was very good making it easier and more productive all steps of this project. Another fact was providential to have found an incredible teacher that always waint to help. Also like to thank the teacher’s Vicente and Ana for all advices and learning and also to all collaborators, especially Vanusa and Luciana who follow us all the period and thank the monitors by the assist. I would like to thank Rachel for all the joy and willingness to participate and help us since our first time together in this project. It was very motivating to see all this interest she showed, reflecting in us the wish to overcome all time and adding with the best possible way because we knew that it would be very well used by the teacher in the future. I would like to thank Pedro for peacefulness and harmony we had during this process, it was a very satisfying relationship for me because I realized that when we are in connection with any person, anything that comes from this relationship is more pleasant and advantageous.
Pedro’s acknowledgment
Ana Branco design's has a very good proposal and taught me a lot. It gives us a very different reality, an amazing culture gain: I met several children, each with a different story, some sad, some happy. I was able to share stories and feelings with them, we have created a very good relationship in a short time. Also, it was much more confident about myself because when Ana began to explain what she wanted us to improve in our experiment, I thought it would be impossible and I would not be able to accomplish it, however, when I started doing it, I realized that it was possible, I developed more confidence I did not feel for a long time and was very good. I thank my partner, Benno, because he has created a friendly relationship so quickly with me, looking like we knew each other for years. He showed me to a group project works, we need to cooperate with each other, always seeking the most help each other, listening to what everyone has to say, with an open mind. It created in me a very good energy throughout the project, from the first day at school until the last, without him, the work would not have been the same. I thank teacher Rachel because she always welcome us with open arms, wanting to get involved as much as possible in our project, always giving different ideas, wondering what we could improve and caring so much with us, I was beginning to feel her student , because she care so much about them. It generated in me a lot of confidence and eager to get back in school because we have created a very good relationship with her and the students. I thank Professor Ana Branco and teachers for showing me that I can overcome me and that adversity there, but I have energy, creativity and ability to overcome them.
Teacher Evaluation
The students Benno and Pedro developed with excellence this research project. They paid attention to the needs of the class and the teacher, that with a good team work successfully built a pedagogic stuff to support lessons. The result of the project was fully satisfactory, because they did a calendar that will provide the development of students in different aspects and areas of knowledge.
Discipline: DSG 1002
Class: 1AC
Professors: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente Barros, Luciana Grether, Vanusa Maria de Melo