Education exercise the heart in the world

Caroline Moraes
Milena Fonseca
Social Group:
Angela da Penha de Almeida Lima
Municipal School Doctor Cocio Barcellos
Rua Barão de Ipanema, 32 – Copacabana
Project brief:
We did the project with the intercessory Angela at the Municipal School Cocio Barcellos, where she is the head teacher of a class of students at the age of 6 to 7 years, at the first year of elementary school, who are learning to read in a constant exercise. To make students could acquire this knowledge in the best way, Angela always had a lot of discipline and organization in the classroom environment, she corrected the notebooks of the students and accompanied the progress of their individual reading, periodically. Based on the set of words that make up the vocabulary universe of Angela, we recognize as the theme for the project: "Education exercises the heart of the world". One day, the teacher read a story in a book belonging to a small collection available in the classroom, students interacted with her and they play a lot, that way I could see that love was present in every activity proposed. From the experiments made and tested by us, we reach the goal for the project, which was to create and discover words. Then we come to the final object, which consisted of two acetate squares, which together formed a single rectangular board, frame finished in red carpet, designed to sit on the board of the classroom, so we put suction cups on the ends to stick. This rectangular board, contained removable straps, made of red carpet with velcro in the ends to be able to fix in the carpet frame. These straps could set cards of syllables or letters, with one piece of velcro in the back, made in blue and yellow colors, also in carpet, so students could find the words through the syllables and connect them with a pilot, that the paint can be removed easily from the acetate. Angela proposed that students come to the frame, one at a time, and each found a word and connected with the pilot. In addition, separating the two squares and adding some more straps, it was possible to turn the object in two tic-tac-toe games, the intercessor used also calling students to the board one at a time, and asking them to think in words of three syllables and write in the empty spaces provided by the format of the game.
Conclusion - Caroline Moraes
With this experience I was able to contact a different reality from mine and meet people who have changed my concepts and showed me a new way of looking at life. The joy and thirst for knowledge that I felt from the children made me have more energy and determination to face my challenges. Through meetings and trials, I learned with Angela and with my own work process, that everything we do with love and attention will bring a positive result for us. I take this experience with love in my heart, it was very important to my growth in the sense that I could awaken my awareness for the importance of my relationship with others and therefore to the world, knowing now that we are part of a whole and yes we can, create and transform. I am grateful to Milena for being a valuable partner in the project, because at that time we were able to overcome our limitations, always helping each other, we strengthen our bonds of friendship and grow together. I will always be grateful for the experiences we face. I am grateful to Angela for being who she is, loving and caring with her students, a person who sees an opportunity to teach in everything she says and does. Being in her company taught me a lot about love, this feeling transformer, which we must always be in tune to think and act.
Conclusion – Milena Fonseca
For me, this project will leave much nostalgia. During the entire process I was able to exceed my limits and see what surrounded me with a new look; a look that does not judge, but it admires. This teacher, in addition to a great example of professional, is an example of a human being. I am grateful that she had received me and made me a member of the class, giving me the opportunity of making part of the lives of the most amazing kids I've ever met. I am grateful to every child who gave me the purest of feelings, each one with their way of being, thrilling me at every discovery. I am grateful to my dear partner, Caroline, an enlightened person with a huge heart, who presented me with her friendship, which I want to take for life and, above all, an exemplary partner of the project, determined and creative, who gave me strength in all exhaustive moments.
Evaluation of Prof. Angela da Penha de Almeida Lima:
"The work done by the students contributed decisively to bring forward new looks that facilitated and made the acquisition of reading and writing a fun and colorful do. The exchange of experiences, relations between all enriched the process and increased the chances of success. Partnerships as well, with people involved, committed and always worth allowing create bonds worth it and makes me happy. It was a unique and pleasurable experience. I hope new partnerships. "
Discipline: DSG 1002
Class: 1AC
Teachers: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente Barros, Luciana Grether, Vanusa Maria de Melo