Masks that set the student free and challenge him at the same time Team: Carla Pestana Lemgruber - lemgruba@hotmail.comRaphael de Almeida Gomes - Russel1985@globo.comSocial
: Duda RibeiroCasa da Gávea Praça Santos Dumont, 116 - sobrado - Gávea - Rio de Janeiro - RJ.
"To be free". Duda believes that everybody that is stand on the stage has to have the mind free of problems and duties, so they can live that character fully. With the experiments we have done, we identified the intention that Duda has to Work with his students the freedom and the body language. On that way, we developed a homework that has the intention to help to improve the students concentration, because is during the time that they are concentrating (before acting) that they are really free. In the intention to help on this activities, we two create masks that cover the face, showing just the eyes and one of them shows the mouth too, so that they worship the eye's and mouth's expression, and also the speaking. We used a base made of modulate soil in the shape of human face, newspaper drowned in water and glue, and after it is dry, we covered it using papier machê ( small pieces of toilet paper drowned in glue and water) and shaping it as we were asked to, in an organic but expressionless way. In the end, we painted it using white paint, because Duda believes that this color is neuter. Duda has been using our project at that concentration time, with the classes that are in the beginning of the learning process. The mask that does not show the face is used in exercises in which the student listen to a music and has to pass to other people his filings using just the eyes and the body language. The mask that shows the mouth is used in the same exercise, but the student is allowed to use face expressions and even talking. This project made us understand that we are capable, as long as we are instigated. And that all the process is for good, if it is done with dedication and friendship. We learned to trust a little bit more on each other and on ourselves. os.
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e-mail: ana.branco@rdc.puc-rio.br |