Projetos em Design Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social
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Seeking to go further with the characters

Combining Words, Think Possibilities

Geometric Sensibilizers

Mini Circus Ring of Magic Balance Simulator of Routes Problems Overcomer

Magic foots

Continue Thinking

Marks to exercise the goals

The movements spin in the play of the dice

Boi Brilhante com Caixas Educativas

Signalizing Yoga Positions with Energy Always

The Cone to look crooked which colorfull reflects

Equilibrium's Sandal for Tai Chi Chuan

Conhecendo os Movimentos para Ampliar a Força

Move, change with velocity

Masks that set the student free and challenge him at the same time

Making Force Together. Happiness Until the End !

Masks to relax the head

Base to interaction through the language

Wheel that casts colors to make drawings

Signalizing the behaving rules of the group

Swimming with the shark








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Visite o site da PUC-Rio

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