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Descrição: Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social

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A hopscotch game that works school subjects and the values in everyday life



Gabrielle Souto Maior


Marina Cytrynbaum Young


Social Group:

Tereza Varela

Dr. Cicero Penna Municipal School

Avenida Atlantica 1976, Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro / RJ, CEP 22021-001




We, Marina Young and Gabrielle Maior, decided to do the project with a teacher called Teresa Varela, who teaches all subjects to students of third and fourth grades in the Municipal School Dr. Cicero Penna. From the observation of the teacher's lessons Tereza, we learned how she works in class and teaches her students. From Mondays to Thursdays the classes can change from Portuguese to Mathematics, which are considered essential subjects to the teacher. Fridays are devoted to the teaching of History, Geography and Science. Tereza is always pointing out the importance of the values ​​in a group, such as respect, solidarity, and when and why we must show solidarity. After her explanation in class,  the teacher always asks students to exemplify the content according to situations encountered by the students themselves, as on that day, where students had to say when they were supportive, or when someone they know were supportive to themselves. Besides formal education, Tereza teaches values ​​of personal hygiene and care of the environment, so that everyone can have a future of quality. We recorded a couple of words spoken by the teacher during her classes  and from the set of words that make up the teacher’s universe of vocabulary , we asked Tereza to recognize some words and make a sentence that exemplifies her job. And this sentence became the theme for our project: "Education is the future of us all and the values ​​cannot be forgotten to be worked out in everyday life". The sentence is related to the importance given by the teacher to formal and informal education, like the values –such as personal hygiene and caring for the environment- to be transmitted to the future. Thus, the teacher always develops projects of recycling and reusing materials that would be thrown away to build the school’s murals and to decorate the classroom with the students. From this sentence we have trials of various materials with the teacher, seeking to bring the contents of the classes to a final product. From the choices made by the teacher through the experiments that were used by the students, we built a game to learn formal subjects and values ​​of everyday life in an informal way, but within the classroom. It has a shape of the hopscotch game in which students play a pawn to hit a home. Hitting the home, they withdraw the question and reply envelope. In addition, there are letters of luck or setback, so that students learn to win and lose, exercising respect and solidarity. The game was made of carpet so that children can play on the floor. The board is black and triangular envelopes are colored. In the paper we have questions that can be written by the teacher or general questions according to the subject matter of weeks.
Tereza’s appreciation: The trainees had a great commitment to the schedules and projects that were pre-established by the PUC. I believe in an excellent recovery of both of them and in the perspective of productivity output of both. The teamwork, the interest and the commitment to the project is visible and I think that they will be outstanding professionals in their chosen career.

Final Gratitude:
Gabrielle’s gratitude: I thank all the teachers, students and employees who participated in the project. Each one of them were essential for the realization of this project, since all beings are interconnected, the world is connected and even someone who lives in Japan, interferes in our lives. The views, collaborations, and spontaneous assistance requested, the interests of all involved taught me to be calmer. The tranquility is a virtue that requires a lot of training our own, and it depends on maintaining our physical and mental health. I learned all that nothing is worth than my peace and therefore, to keep it, I start doing the right thing and treating others with more love and affection.
Finally, I thank whoever else was present at all times in this project, my partner Marina. I thank her all her effort, skill, ability, willingness and enthusiasm in the development and completion of this work. Marina was a great companion, helped in every way possible during these months. Words of comfort, given a snack, hope and loyalty, feelings and actions were transmitted to me and she gave me. I can say I did this with a friend and learned to give more value to those values ​​in and do well. I learned that we can have different bodies and thoughts, but at last we are all made of bones and the willing to be happy is the same for every person.
Marina’s Gratitude: I would like to thank primarily to the person who first received us, Teresa, for being she, all the time. Education is a priority in her life and she doesn’t switch anything for it. It made me realize that education is what makes us human beings. Education is this, its love, affection, respect and dignity. Learning to coexist is essential and all that I owe to the opportunity I had that enabled me to come and work for the first time in my life in a public school. Thank you again, Tereza.
Thanks to my dear teachers Ana and Vicente, by their conviction that everything would work. It made me learn that hope never dies. Thank you for all time, we learned that with you all!
Thanks to my prior pair and friend Gabrielle, who made me learn that being a friend is standing by your side no matter what happens. Being friend means to trust, to help and share feelings. Thank you for all the overcoming, all the effort we made for this project to succeed, and all the affection we built in this project. At last, I thank the opportunity to make this project, with everyone that was in the middle of this process, and that made me learn that nothing is by accident, life is full of wonderful surprises and that’s because living, for me, is everything.



Discipline: DSG 1002

Class: 1AC

Teachers: Ana Branco e Vicente Barros






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