“Tangerine” that keeps the surprises and the grace of life in school
Nicole Janér
Tatiana Almeida
Social Group:
Regina Lúcia
Escola Municipal Pedro Ernesto
Av. Prof Abelardo Lobo, 5 - Humaitá
The project was carried out with the teacher Regina Lúcia, who teaches all subjects in a fourth year class at Escola Municipal Pedro Ernesto, in Humaitá. Some activities throughout the semester were fractions in Math, Storytelling - which the students would illustrate later, Brazil's History lesson and the five senses in man in Science.
From the set of words that make up the vocabulary universe of Regina, we recognized as the theme for the project: "The freedom to discover the grace, joy, and life in school."
One of the teacher's class related to the phrase is Storytelling, which stimulates the children's imagination and fun.
The concept that was defined as a goal for the project depending on the function of the experimentations of the first ideas was "letters, images and numbers are surprises - soft, friendly, shiny and funny."
The final object is a Tangerine with six buds of different colors, all with a pocket with a zipper, and each one of them carries a surprise inside. Made with the material elanca light, buckram, acrylon. The wrapping was made with filó, feltro, and elastic. It's being used in all the subjects the partner teaches. Each bud presents different surprises to be used, like: seeds and flour balloons for the Science classes about the five senses of the man; geometric forms and mathematical signs for the Math classes; images and words to be used as a help to the classes of History and Portuguese.
Nicole: It's hard to have a final idea without the process of its construction, which relies on mistakes and successes. I learned that many ideas may arise from the subconscious. I thank Regina for receiving us always happy and encouraged to use the experiments. I learned that it's important to have an interested partner. I thank Tati for the laughs and faces we went through. I learned not to give up.
Tatiana: I learned what is, in fact, a project. All that process of observation, making of experiments and alternatives. I learned that a good product doesn't come out of nowhere, it's developed. The ideas are tested and enhanced. I thank Nicole for the companionship, laughs, and good ideas. I learned with her the importance of teamwork. I thank Regina for receiving us always with a smile and open arms, for always opening up a space to test our creations, for the honesty and tips. I learned that your work partner is also a friend.
DSG 1002
Class: 1AC
Teachers: Ana Branco e Vicente Barros

