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Projetos em Design

Reconhecimento e Integração dos elementos do meio natural e do meio social

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Geometric shapes that tell the story with the number and color

Dayana Romeiro Teixeira

Raysa Monteiro Gomes

Social group:

Daniela Soares Santos

Escola Municipal Júlio de Castilhos
Praça Santos Dumont , 96 Gávea
Tel: 3395-1545

We did the project at the Municipal School Julio de Castilhos, located at Praça Santos Dumont - Gávea, with Daniela. She is a professor of IS-01 and teaches children from 4 to 6 years old. During the meetings, witnessed activities such as Bingo of the letters, the song of the week days and the routine of the proposed work in the classroom.

From the set of words that make up Daniela’s vocabulary universe, we recognize as the theme for the project: "We can begin to tell the story to teach children with the letter, the name, number and color, the joy of learning" . The activity that intercessory sentence was related to the design where she was, along with the students, correcting their design and the Bingo of the letters.

From the experiments we have adopted as a party colored geometric pieces whose centers were numbered slots. All parts were made of MDF laser cut and painted on both sides, each of a different color. The centerpieces were painted on the side of the numbers of white and the other, with the colors used in larger pieces. The partner says that children should get the number and then the students fit these numbers into colored pieces.

This period was of great learning for me. I met a different Dayana that recognizes her limits, but without judging them and not criticize. Despite all the difficulties and unforeseen at the end, you see that your work, your effort, you can help others is the greatest reward of all. Besides all that, you feel that you are loved and that now has ties of affection with the whole class and intercessor and remember all the smiles and hugs shared, it is rewarding. Everyone should be able to feel it is a crime to deprive people of all this joy.

Thank to Raysa for sharing this experience with me and for always being there when needed. I am very happy to have her as a double and with that, I learned the importance of friends.

Thanks to Daniela for sharing with us your workspace and allow us to do his part. For me it was very important and I felt honored to meet you as well as their students. It was an amazing experience.

This semester made me live amazing experiences, where I learned to live one second at a time, giving attention to every little thing that happened. I learned how much we should be open to new things and learn how important teamwork and respect for others. Despite all the problems we face, we can overcome and do a job of giving pride to say that we who have done a lot of effort. The smiles of children playing with what we did, is the reward of six months of dedication. It was very gratifying to do this work and see how it can touch people in some way.

Thanks Daniela for having gone through with us. Thank you for your commitment to the class and with our work, having it always available to us. Generated in me security when carrying out a project in which we do not know where to go hiking. Thank you for giving your hand to walk together up to this amazing end result. On the way, I learned many things watching the way she relates to children, their care and affection. I learned how much we should spend the love in the eyes, actions and words. For love reflects affection, education, respect.

Thanks to Dexter for all your morning smile that gave joy to my mornings. In this project we learn together to be patient and not precipitarmos.Dar time to time, something that past period, we did not. With this, we could work better, without despair and safer. Thanks for always being my partner by my side supporting me and helping me at all. I gained a friend through this project and it generated in me the feeling that when we give ourselves entirely to do something, when the duo works together and works together, all we can get back is a gift like this friendship we have created.

Discipline: DSG 1002
Teacher: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente


english version