Ballet Class Movements Sequence Drawings

Daniel Bastos Torrero Diaz

Social Group:

Claudia Fragale

Núcleo de Arte Copacabana
Rua Toneleros, n°21, Copacabana

This Project hás taken place at the Copacabana Arts Nucleous, with Professor Claudia who teaches Ballet Class. The Nucleous is a place where several classes are offered: dance, literature, visual arts, theater and music.

The choice was done through the receptivity of the interceptor to be willing to participate of the project. Her lectures begin with warm up, then migrate to combination passages (steps sequences already practiced) and a choreography testing. Hers methodology is based upon analogies done through ballet steps and physical world images, a fact that interested the choice and it yields a different dynamics while the students age increase in each group.

Starting from the set of words that compose the vocabulary universe of Claudia Fragale, we recognize as theme for the project: “ 5, 6, 7, 8 Hei, look at the mirror, jump up, go down, dump and turn around “. The combinations are related with the sentence because they contain a sequence and a counting, then as the teacher, the dance and the movements make sense and set up an order.

We define finally a way to follow: sinalize the motion, visualize it, keep order, discipline and sense, with the motion, not only in the body, but also in the material, the object. After the experiments and the hot and cold, we arrive to the final object: cards with the image of the human body in the position of ballet steps, each one with half of the body (inferior or superior). Printed on page Filicoat A4 of 180g of Filipaper, glued to the magnet and revested with contact. This was used to show the students how to execute a given step.

The Project generated for me a new manner to think over things and people. I re-affirmed and re-discovered concepts which are essential to a good follow up of a work which assist life itself.

The Project is completely involved with the remaining of his life as new period of what is being done, although the learning will be useful far beyond.

The direct contact with other people, was a different learning process in which I could think in the details that every one may possess in his working place, besides personalities that everyone may display.

The highest learning came from believing that, definitively, I work fearless and always try to find and show my best. By showing the people that giving up is not thinking, for one learn a lot more under difficulty than on soft way.

The end, nevertheless, is a sentence of Professor Ana, who, for sure, was the one which touched me the most: ”A project is the best until the delivery moment”. This affirmation guided me not to be afraid and to go on going ahead, following the way ,being concerned only into doing the best for the project.

Finally I relearn that small details can make a lot of difference. I am grateful to Professor Claudia for her being persistent her way. This led me to learn that we should deal with people in different ways.

Conclusion and weighting of the Interceptor This research was done on the top of a process which was already going on, and this left me very proud, for Daniel was able to perceive the methodological intentions and after several materials which, by the way, became inspiring material for lectures next year, arrived to a product that, it can be said, is a resume of all the other ones.

This material can be used in all levels, for all ages, not only with the presented changes, but also being created and developing new variations according to the needs.

Last, the simplicity of the material, offers besides the practical way, the possibility of a permanent criation, without wasting the quality and avoiding the self closing situation.

Disciplina: DSG 1002
Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente


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