Para entender listen to the teacher, interact,
say sorry, ask a question.

Lucas Jungen

Ricardo Kalache

Grupo social:

Fernanda Rodrigues Doria Freire

Municipal Jackson de Figueiredo
Rua Jackson de figueiredo dentro do condomínio amaba

This semester my Friend Ricardo and I worked on a Project to generate school material for a Public school. We picked an inglish class taught by Fernanda Doria at the Jackson de Figueiredo municipal school. In her class Fernanda always tried to make the activities more interesting by focusing on the interaction between her and the students. The way she did this was through games that drew the children’s attention keeping them active and focused simultaneously. By studying her vocabulary we came up with a theme sentence to guide our project: “ To understand listen to the teacher, interact, say sorry, ask a question.” Our work partner Fernanda emphasized the word interaction explaining that it was key for good functioning of her class. We immediately realized that this would be the main goal in our project.

After many ups and downs we finally came to our final prototype, a giant flower with PS petals where Fernanda could write and place images choosing what petal she wanted to show and witch ones she wanted to hide.

Gratitude Lucas:

I thank my working partner Ricardo for not being intimidated by my rough behavior and teaching me the subtleties of communicating and interacting with work partners.

I thank my working partner Fernanda for showing me a new perspective about the public school system. She also taught me that in a class were the students interact with the teacher the learning process is way more effective.

Disciplina: DSG 1002
Turma: 1AC
Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente


english version