O tabuleiro prepara o presente das letras e
números para acertar o futuro.

Isabella Portilho de Mello Freitas
Tatiana Marieta Costa de Souza
Social Group:
Flávia Brasil
Escola Municipal Desembargador Oscar Tenório
Rua Professor Manoel Ferreira número 141- Gávea – Rio de Janeiro – RJ
The project was done in the “Escola Municipal Desembargador Oscar Tenório” with the teacher of mathematics, Portuguese and science, for the 4 and 5 years, Flávia Brasil. During the process we attended some lessons. In the Portuguese there was always a text, and after reading with the whole class, the teacher would give some life lessons, and also would take from this text some words to do a spelling bee and as a reward the student would be discharged. In the mathematics they would always resolve the activities all together and take the multiplication table before discharging them.
From the combined of words that compose the vocabulary universe of Flávia Brasil, we recognized as the theme for the project: “Prepared in the present gets the future right with perseverance, emotional balance and love.” Flávia always raised a lot of the questions about emotional balance and perseverance when doing the spelling bees and the multiplication table, because the student needs to keep the balance for the games to continue and have to be perseverant to get it right.
The concept adopted was that we’d have to do something with bags, multiplication table and spelling. Giving the idea of a final product of a game that transforms into a suitcase, being made of fiberboard and colorful cloths for the bags. The student has to launch the ball into one of the four bags of cloth and take out a ‘surprise’. In two bags contain plaques with words and on the other two contain numbers. Flávia adopted this method and a way to discharge the students. Final conclusion, Isabella: With the project I learned that each person has a way of working, that we should respect each other’s space, which we shouldn’t arrive somewhere wanting to change everything and we should try to make modifications to beneficiate everyone.
I thank Tatiana, for not giving up in the most difficult hours, and overall for having faced everything laughing, after all everything in the end was motive for beautiful laughter’s, generating in me the importance of dividing our difficulties with people we considered important in our life.
I thank Flávia, for showing me that teachers don’t have to be only “spitting and chalk” that they also have to pass life lessons to their students, showing me that we can never give up on being someone better, someone with perseverance gets wherever she wants to go. Final conclusion, Tatiana: With the project i learned that love moves, love creates, love transforms. This should be every humans being fuel that want to work with people and projects. Because the love, brings the perseverance and the emotional balance.
I thank Isabella for being so involved with the project this whole time. Always available for helping me in duties and always with solutions that I couldn’t find alone. The project wouldn’t have been not even a third of what it was without patience, dedication and intelligence.
I thank Flávia for receiving us so well since the first day, always showing her huge motherly heart and for passing to us even if indirectly so many lessons during all this period that I will take throughout my whole life as loving the next having a lot of emotional balance even when faciong difficulties and never giving up on your objectives.
Evaluation of intercessory: Together with my daily work, the project reached the group's satisfaction, improving the learning process, cultivating class interaction and excellent emotional balance. It reinforced the need of meaningful learning by offering the content through games, retaining children's attention. It instigates a constructive learning, autonomous an self- significant. Therefore this project corresponded to my expectations and the children's, helping us create a joyful environment, welcoming, that develops the abilities acquired inside and outside the classroom.
Disciplina: DSG 1002
Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente