Bag with surprises of the world to present on circle

Camila Ulhôa Cintra Peas Da Cunha
Guilherme Schawartz
Social Group:
Amanda Lourenço
Escola Municipal Santos Anjos
Rua Humberto de campos - Leblon
The project was developed along with our partner Amanda, teacher of 4 to 6 year old kids in a public city school named Santo Anjos, located at Leblon. Amanda initiates her activities by putting all the class seated on a circle, familiarizes them with letters and syllables and uses the calendar for a daily mathematical thinking exercise. On the end of the circle moment, Amanda ranks all the activities of the day and divides them to the students. From the series of words that relate to the teacher’s class, we came up with the theme phrase for the project: “To see the world through the circle is a drawing of everyone.” Using the phrase, objects were created that interacted with the children valuing the entire group during the circle dynamic. From a series of developed objects, the one who presented the best possibilities of surprising and enhancing curiosity on the kids was the “magic bag”. A bag made out of black cotton fabric, covered with a shining golden lycra, with hidden pockets inside. The “magic” consisted on putting objects inside the pockets, that would stimulate the senses, specially touch, smell and hearing (such as aromatic seeds, fruits, colored rocks), and bring to the circle new dynamics and informations related to the learning process of the class.
Conclusion (Camila):
My learning consisted on the importance of getting closer to children’s universe,
hearing about ther lifes and listening to them patiently. This learning took place mostly because of Amanda’s
way to handle the kids, respecting each one’s speed of learning and constantly taking to them. Gratitude
to Amanda: I thank to Amanda for being equally considerate with each one of the kid’s observations. It
generated on me the conscience of how the enfant universe is really magic, that attracts the children to the
discoveries of the world. Double gratitude: I thank Guilherme for remembering the magic bag he used to play
when we was a child and that later became our product, I was surprised how toys from our childhood can still
cativate kids of next generations.
Conclusion (Guilherme):
I was very involved with the work environment, seeing how great was each child
and how positive was our partner. I learned to try and understand the path to follow during a project like this.
I thank Amanda for observating the short moments of the day and using them to teach the class. Learned
to value every moment and always see the bright side of each one. It was a very nostalgic experience,
I could remember many situations and feelings of my childhood. I thank Camila for giving me support
and confidence, for helping me when I needed and for the exchange of knowledge. I realize now that the
partnership work was the thing that lead us to a satisfying result.
Partner avaliation (Amanda Lourenço)
Camila and Guilherme joined us in this year’s second semester. From the beggining, they showed to be very
receptive to the work developed in our classes. As a teacher, I can say that in a group of children this age,
being receptive is that special touch.
The class retributed that care with the start of a friendship, they were integrated to the group during our
activities. The two weren’t mere observers, they would gather us and participate in our dynamics, I truly
believe this posture was fundamental to the development of the product. To understand the little ones, we
must interact and bond with them. And they sure did! The visits would last longer than the scheduled time,
that was a great proof of how the students were into the project and how much it made them curious.
The Magic bag opens a wide range of dynamics possibilities, that would successfully teach important
objectives of these children education process. It integrates the group, that focus around a single discovery,
using their senses, language and reasoning skills to find out what’s in the bag. This work was very interesting
and rewarding, and along with the final version of the product, I received Camila and Guilherme’s feedback
of our partnership, I was very flattered with Camila’s final text. I hope I have contributed at least a little bit at
this great path of professional education.
Disciplina: DSG 1002
Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente