Sequence to host images that stimulate seeing, feeling,
understanding and knowing

Leticia de Almeida Brand
Mateus Pedretti Foiadelli
Social Group:
Nila de Andrade Sanches
Escola Municipal George Pfisterer
Praça Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora, S/n
Gávea - Rio de Janeiro
CEP: 22441-050
Tel.: 2274-7841 / 2272-4497
We ran our project at Escola Municipal George Pfisterer, with teacher Nila de Andrade Sanches as our partner. The school offers courses from 5th to 9th grade, and also gives special support to handicapped students. Nila teaches Portuguese Language and Brazilian Literature to the 6th, 7th and 8th grade classes. During our first meetings, she wanted to focus on grammar rules and classes, such as phonemes and antonyms. She always asks her students to have posture and good behavior while in class.
From the set of words that composes her vocabulary, we recognized as the project mission the phrase: “Education results from the Language, as seeing, feeling, knowing and understanding are part of knowledge development”.
Our partner, during her Literature classes, asked her students to create their own point of view about the text exposed, that would be shown by themselves to their classmates. This way, the kids must understand what the author really meant. From the testing made from our initial ideas, we based our path on objects that could create and hold debates, that could motivate the students to interact with the teacher. Our chosen path were, then, based on objects that used images and possibility of handling those images, lightness and practicality.
We concluded that our product would be a three sets of image supports in sequence, that could be handled the way Nila wanted. It was made of pieces of a leather-paper cut in A4 size, covered by a transparent plastic cut in office size. For finishing, on the plastic’s edges, we sewed a marine blue fabric, referencing the colors of the kids’ uniforms – and it is also a color that is hard to get dirty. Last, we used this blue fabric again, this time to join each support, allowing a partial or integral flap of each set of supports.
Nila uses the object to show off one or more images. Mostly, she shows her class one image at a time, allowing students to give their opinions about it, and just after that she shows another one. Sometimes she gives three images at a time, to work on the matter of ideas that are antonyms or synonyms. Also, the product is used as a way of exposing class works made by the students, like drawings or texts.
Partner's conclusion
PUC's partnership in this project is exciting for the partners: public school students, the class
teacher and PUC’s students. Students, teachers and PUC’s students exchange and enrich the
teaching activities. Leticia and Matthew are to be congratulated for the commitment to the end.
Duo’s conclusions
Along this semester, I could live with people who taught me many important values that should
lead us to have a life that is really worth. I could live a unique experience and that not all people
can have the chance to do the same.
I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to spend this time with a wonderful group of people gathered for a cause that goes far beyond academic reasons. This process involves us in an absurd way, it became something you wanted to see happen to be able to feel the joy and satisfaction in their work partners, the "I" is not something that became present this process. Having the chance to be accepted by Vicente and Ana, Taiane and Raoni, always giving us so much attention and affection and showing really interested in our project, it was something really magical. I learned to pay more attention to what others have to say. I also learned to express myself better, not having to think three, four times to say something, letting the words flow in a way more natural. I thank all the collaborators who helped us and dedicated themselves to provide all the necessary basis for what we wanted to produce.
Thanks, again, Nila for always have been dedicated and strived to make our partnership reached the goal that was being traced. Being able to be present at the effective use of something built together and making sure that he is able to get help activities proposed by our intercessor is something unique.
Finally, I would like to thank Leticia for having provided me unconditional support and confidence. Being able to share work with someone so sensitive, with strong ideals and optimistic was truly amazing!
Rereading my notes made during the period, I could see how much this project helped me
mature. It made me mature as a person and determine my critical sense, and cling more
to reality. When I started this semester, I had a completely different view of the municipal
educational institutions, teachers who worked in them. I could see, through the partnership with
Nila, many of which are part of the teaching staff of these schools are really interested in share
their knowledge (didactic and of life) and recovering students with academics problems. There
are teachers who care about the welfare of the students, with their particular problems: this is
a reality that I have not lived. It is good that there ripening from its confrontation with their
own ghosts, but it is also good to know you have someone to trust, besides their families: their
The project also made me break down preconceptions, made me exceed expectations and limits, made me discover a strength of will and determination that I did not possess. I am aware that this provision came in much satisfaction in working with the wonderful students of George Pfisterer: every hit, every motivation to risk a response or overcome their self-censorship, was a small battle won - especially for them. I think this experience also made me have a little more faith in the future generation that will take care of the world we will live in the future.
Finally, on the question of reality, I think now I'm more with the feet on the ground than ever: the responsibility of having a date for the delivery of an object made me wake up immediately, and sometimes call my partner to this reality., when they were quite vague about the tasks that were presented.
So, I can only thank everyone with whom I shared these past few months by the enormous personal growth that will take the rest of my life. Thank you.
School discipline: DSG 1002
Turma: 1AC
Teachers: Ana Branco e Vicente Bastos