Fishing to think and transform

Mariana Menezes Campos da Paz

Rafael de Moura Machado

Social Groups:

Fabrícia Paes Salomão

CIEP Tancredo Neves
Rua do Catete, 77. CEP: 22220-006

We conducted our project with Fabricia Paes, a teacher at CIEP Tancredo Neves, in Catete, where she gives Portuguese classes to children 5-7 years old. Fabricia teaches children to read and write using exercises where syllables are joined to make words. When attending her classes, we could observe activities such as "find similar words" and "circle the syllable that distinguishes this set of words".

Based on the set of words that compose Fabricia's vocabulary, we found our project's theme: "Patience to listen, transform and think". Joining syllables to make works is an activity that requires students to be patient; our plan was then to use a word-building game to motivate the children to patiently participate in this activity. In order to comply with our theme phrase - "Patience to listen, transform and think" - and the requirements provided by the teacher made us, our product should not only help her to teach children to read and write but also to make them aware of the importance of patience. Learning to read and write takes considerable time, and the children must realize that paying attention in class is essential to achieve this goal. Our product then aims to motivate the children to this attitude.

Our fishing rod was built from a car's antenna joined to a wooden handle. A black rope ending with a magnet completes the object. The fishing rod is used to catch squares, rectangles and hexagons made of cloth; we sewed wire to their borders to make them "catch-able" to our rod. We used cloth transfer to apply images and text (letters, syllables and words) to the fishing pieces.

Using our product, the teacher conducts different activities. As an example, one child can catch two pieces and then build a word with the syllables he/she caught, or try to find the word that corresponds to an image.

Individual Conclusion (Mariana Menezes)

The experience of this term, in a public school, made me grow as a person and opened my mind as I learned how people can help me and contribute with my life. Early in the semester I had troubles to do the thankful notes, but now, at the end of the term, I realized that they’re extremely important for my growth. The teacher's and childern's reaction from our presence inther class and from the objects that we brought to them helped us finding the right way to our project and we could retribute taking care of the students when Fabrícia wasn't in class and lending a pencil to a child if they have forgotten theirs.

Project gave me a new vision of who’s next, not only the children and the teacher of the CIEP, but of everybody around me, a vision that some people, that at first sight doesn't look like they care to other people, have another side and do care and try to help, as me, sincerely, in the beginning of the semester. I was worried about my project, finishing it and that would be it, but I couldn't help evolvinh myself with everyone esle's experiments, Inajah Moreira and Mariana Castro's pillows, Mairê Ramazinna and Victor Kato's roulette, Fabio Calderon and Fernanda Correa's hearts, Antonio Duarte and Maria Miranda's origamis, João Pedro and Natasha's, and others. The reciprocity and the empathy were some of the extremely important things I learned to deal in this project. Seeing our collegues projects in class I could learn that is interesting keepinng up with it as well. I got anxious when our friends were late and I tried to help giving tips like saying where they could buy fabric and doing the transfer tecnic in their pillows, as their prtner teaches in the same CIEP as ours we got closer, but it did not change the fact that we were close to the other's project.

I am thankful to my partner for being with me during this term; The students asking if we lived together and some of them saying their friends said I was cute, what made me feel embarassed but special at the same time. it made me learn that we don´t know our future, but we can be sure that we will meet people that will share unique moments with us.

I am thankful to Fabricia for being an excellent intercessor; it made me learn that at important times, as in the conduction of our project, we can find people that can help us and contribute to our goals.

I am thankful to my mom and dad for helping me in situations like producing the objetct and cuting the wire, and other moments of emotional support and suggestions related to the project's development.. It made me learn that I can count on them in every situation, as supporting me if I am worried with a work or heping me with manual work.

Individual Conclusion (Rafael Machado)

In Project 1002 I had a chance to review the mistakes I made in the previous term, and try not to make them again. Because of what I learned with myprevious experience, I was able to make a better plan, not reaching the end of this term in the same hurry. This included trying to perform my tasks inadvance, and have them finished before their deadline. This course was also important to reinforce my previous learning, and to provide me with new knowledge. Because of all the acknowlegements I had to make,I have learned to be more grateful to everyone and everything around me. I have also learned that opinions can change with time.

I am thankful to my partner, Mariana, for all her hard work during this term. I learned that I must not postpone doing things I should have already done.

I am thankful to Fabricia for her patience and affection. She made me feel confident that we would achieve something that can impact the her work in the classroom and the chidren's learning.

Fabricia Paes' Evaluation

The work developed by you has great value in this children schooling reality, because is in this way -playing- that they are going to find a new possibility to learn and then a new world will arise to those little readers. They will remember for a long time of the “game” that thought them the way to the new world.

Disciplina: DSG 1002
Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente


portuguese version