Magnets of imagination

Gabriela Pessoa
Theodora Duvivier - theodoraduvivier@me.com
Social group:
Daniela Soares - soaresdanny@yahoo.com.br
Escola Municipal Julio de Castilhos
Praça Santos Dumont, 96 - Gávea, Rio de Janeiro
RJ, 22470-060 - (21) 2274-5496
We have realized our project with Daniela Soares at Julio de Castilho’s Municipal School. Daniela teaches literacy for kids between the ages of four and has approximately eighteen students in her class. Among the eight other places we had been, that one was the one that most enchanted us, not just because of the school and the kids, but mainly because of Daniela. What called us more attention was the fact of her treating her students with a maternal tenderness, educating each one with a pacific manner that explains them the right and the wrong.
Before starting her classes, she usually asks the kids to draw what they did in their weekends to tell her after. Most of the activities are related to drawing, creating and telling stories, always stimulating the creativity and imagination of the children.
Since we had collected the group of words that compounds her vocabulary universe, we recognized as project’s theme: “Make a story and tell it playing, together, we change the world.”
After experimenting our firsts ideas, we got into the conclusion that out prototype would be something to make all the kids together tell a story created by them.
So, we have made four iron plates A3 sized wrapped up with carpet above it so that it wouldn’t be in direct contact with the floor. These four plates can make a sequence being in a right or circulate manner, depending on how they are connected. We have also cut many abstract and concrete shapes with magnet paper sewed with carpet as well to be more resistant.
Therewith, kids can create together their own stories with the shapes they want, then tell what they did.
Final conclusions
When I decided to take Project II at the stand, I did it because I was decisive about answering Yes to something most people would say No. I hadn’t thought about the difficulty, about making something different or following a correct or wrong philosophy. I simply decided taking it trusting it would be an unforgettable experience and one-time opportunity without any worries on the afterwards. By the way, no one could actually guess, before diving into it. Once I had this thought, I learned to take risks, learned that there is not right or wrong, and how diversity is beautiful, I learned not to be a machine that requires approval or disapproval, zero or one, why not two or three? I learned how to do something with dedication, pleasure and enchantment. As I entered the classroom in the Júlio Castilho Municipal School, I knew it was the place I was looking for and it put a spell on me. Because it`s not everywhere you go people will get a hug around your legs with so much care from people so small and big at the same time. I went to teacher Daniela Soares’ room, which, besides an educator, treats those kids as if they were her own, knows by heart every particularity of them. Right at my first meeting I got amazed by the simple shout “Oh, you didn`t get it?” “Relax, he will figure it out in his time!”. It touched me somehow that finally, on the day of my presentation, I learned that crying is not a sign of weakness, but of honesty, when tears take away any trace of shame of being who you are. Project II fit me, just like a piece of clothe fit someone. Ana and Vicente gave me clothes and they fit. So, now, will I be wearing these clothes forever? If in only one semester, I tried to take it off so many times, even so beautiful and rare, who knows it?
I thank my partner Daniela always being with arms wide open, keeping up with all we were going through, giving support with “Hey, girls? How’s everything?” “It’s hard, right? But it will be worth after all.” I thank for all the moments I wished she was my teacher when I was a child, for the kindness she has towards those kids and for showing that no one is better than the other; specially in a place where she knows it all, their obsessions, their flaws and qualities, knows how to be tough at the right moments. It’s not weeping that makes her give you the answer you need, but she’s so kind when comes a kid telling her a story; she’s all ears. Teacher Daniela proved that we can’t be sorry for the kids who has to go to a public school, only because they can reach teachers like her.
I thank Theodora for always standing by me and having showed me how to be a couple. During our project, we were walking together and growing one with the other and helping ourselves when we thought we wouldn’t make it. Didn’t we?! We made it. I learned with Theodora to think more calmly, sharing the work without making any part feel overloaded. I learned how not to get stressed so easily, about things which don’t depend on us. I learned to be more optimistic instead of thinking “Oh, my God, Ana is going to hate this and that…”, she always said “Gabi, stop imagining bad things, she hasn’t even seen, how can you know what she’s going to say?”. Therefore, she calmed me down and we continued doing what we had to. I thank her for the conversations, the advices and laughter. I had a semester very productive, when I got to learn a lot with my partner and I hope that I can take it with me for the rest of my life.
I can say that Project 2 has changed my perception of what is design, and that wouldn’t be possible if I hadn’t passed trough Ana Branco’s process of teaching. It is an experience with an intercessor in a situation where both are in partnership, doing a project together, and having to pass through many levels that builds a development.
So that when we look backwards to see our first experiments, we think “How we came up with that?”, and this is the most incredible, because the project increases little by little, when in the end we have a product that hasn’t been bought or given, but created after a huge learning cycle that build a process so beautiful with so many things involved.
I feel that I’ve grown up a lot with that project. I started to look always forward and never backward, just focusing in the necessary to do something. Also, I got really attached to people who I’ve worked with. I’ve created a family relation with each one of them rather than a boring work partnership and I can say that they are all in my heart for having been part of this great period of my life of such changes.
I thank Gabriela for having been my mate. The hazard’s chosen us to work together and this was the best thing that could have happen. I didn’t imagine get along so well with someone that I had never seen before entering the second term. Someone so different but so similar to me in the same time. Thanks to every hug she gave me and every tears she cried, that made me see her sensibility so closely and so assemble it to me. Thanks to her way of being, so well organized and dedicated, that made me learn a lot with her.
I thank my partner Daniela for her reception since the first moment. I always thought public school’s teachers, because of the fact that they’re underpaid, weren’t pleased to teach their students, or treated them bad, but Daniela showed me an opposite image. An image which she is there simply because she loves them and has a sincere pleasure to work. I haven’t seen any fight with any kid. Daniela knows exactly how to control and educate them so that they know what they do wrongly. She treats her students without under or overestimating them, putting all in the same stage and treating them as if they were her children. I confess I wanted to have her as a teacher in school.
Intercessor Daniela Soares’ review
During all the period that they have been present at Júlio de Castilhos’ Municipal School, Gabriela and Theodora have been very participants and involved with everything. They always came smiling and were extremely affectionate with the kids, who would always run to hug them.
Having them was wonderful and very rewarding. They were always here to help where it was necessary. Gabriela and Theodora were really careful with the things they elaborated, that was always related with my work.
The kids have been enchanted with everything the saw and gave life for the experiments.
The final product was very creative and it is going to be really useful in my work. The game they made give possibilities of many activities. Because of him, it is possible to create a story together, working in a dynamic and interactive way. It was a pleasure receiving them. I got very happy with the entire project and enchanted with the final result. I registered here all my acknowledgement and happiness of having these special and creative girls that have just enriched my work.
Disciplina: DSG 1002
Turma: 1AC
Professores: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente, Luciana Grether, Maria do Socorro Calhau