Game for leisure reasoning
Lucas Bevilaqua Ferreira
Eduardo Lins
Maysa de Amorim
Social Group:
Escola Municipal Jackson Figueiredo
Rua Major Rolinda Silva, 65
Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro – RJ
From the group of words representing the vocabulary universe of Maysa, it was possible to define theme of our project: “To practice chess in order to learn to think with strategy and attention to the game. The pieces on the move are the challenge of thinking in motion. To forget to think is to give away the game.”
After testing 20 experiments, it was decided, backed by Ana and Vicente, our Adopted Party: create more protogames trying to combine the ideas used in the experiments.
For this project, we’ve joined teacher Maysa de Amorim for her chess classes to students from 2nd to 5th year, at Jackson Figueiredo Municipal School, at Barrinha neighbourhood. During this period, we’ve observed the activities conducted in class, the knowledge exchange between teacher and students during the process of learning to think, derived from the exercise of playing chess. In every class, the great focus was always in practice, be it of chess itself, or other games with potential congnitive contributions, such as memory games. In the rare moments whre it was not the case, Maysa would work on chess concepts, rules and the behavior of each chess piece, with the help of a panel that simulates a chess board.
In the end, our project consisted of a game box, composed of: 1 double chess board (silked vinyl canvas), 2 sets of dice pieces for mutante chess (3cmX3cm cutted cedar lath, silked adhesive vinyl, spray ink and flat varnish), 1 chess themed memory game (silked 4mm plywood and flat varnish) and 1 hourglass (250ml PET bottles, plywood ring to reinforce the join).
Currently, the box is being used as auxiliary teaching material by Maysa. It was added to the other protogames already in use by her, with the intention of making chess learning more dynamic, hence stimulating the constant reformulation of strategic thinking by the students.
Lucas’ Gratitudes I thank Maysa for always being so incredibly open to the project, her ever comprehensive, willing, engaged and helpful attitude. It is undeniable the influence that having an intercessor who is engaged and interested in project has in the overall experience and work. We were Lucky enough to find a teacher who made it easy to be grateful, for always being grateful herself, for what we were doing.
I thank Eduardo for being an always obliging, fair, and even more responsible partner. His constant good humor and constatly friendly character made this experience, even in its most difficult moments, truly exalting and magnifying.
Eduardo’s Gratitudes
I thank Lucas for being extremely patient and responsible during this project. When I chose him as a partner, I had no ideia of how seriously he could take the work, and I believe I learned a lot from him during all of this. To me, all the dicussions we had during this experience, took us somewhere, and were completely non-related to our stubborness, but to sincere opinions. I’ve found it very prouctive to work alongside him.
I thank Maysa for her good humor and commitment towards this project. Not only she proved to be a great person, but was to me an example of work compromising, and inspired me during the whole process. Evaluation by the Intercessor
The project was presented to me by Lucas and Eduardo in a very organized and structured way. There was an intensive period of observation, during which they were able to write down all that was essential to make the lessons more dynamics and motivating. I’ve loved all the ideas! To my understanding, they’ve achieved the major goal of my lessons, which is to make may for reasoning by working the memory and concentration in a playful manner. I thank both for the creative and unused work, of very good taste, and stress the fact that they will be remebered for good. .
Disciplina: DSG 1002
Turma: 1AC
Professores: Ana Branco, Luis Vicente, Luciana Grether, Maria do Socorro Calhau