Diaspora of Love’s Material

Isabela de Avellar Fernandes Rezende da Rocha
Thainan Curtinhas de Castro
Social Group:
Marcelo Meira
Municipal School Manoel Cícero
Praça Santos Dumont, 86, Gávea, Rio de Janeiro - RJ- CEP 22470-060 – Brasil
The project was conducted at the Municipal School Manoel Cícero, in the neighborhood of Gávea , Rio de Janeiro - RJ . Was done by the group Isabela de Avellar and Thainan Castro , in partnership with the intercessor Marcelo Meira , the seventh (7th ) , eighth (8th ) and ninth (9th ) grades history teacher of Elementary School. The school has classes to children and youth from the 5th grade of Elementary School until the 3rd grade of HighSchool. The teacher Marcelo Meira minister weekly classes in three classes from different series.
Initially, we accompained the eighth and ninth years classes given by the teacher Marcelo , in which he passed the class content dynamically, making frequent questions and play in groups through these questions to help students memorize the subject and be able to pass it in a more relaxed way that was not only using books or notes on the board, which by the way were almost nil during lessons . He wore little books and wrote on the blackboard just the essentials , or some more emphatic or homework questions , passing the lessons mostly orally .
From the set of words that make up the vocabulary universe of teacher Marcelo Meira we recognized as the theme for the project : " The elite of the story is the people . We are the revolution material to deploy the diaspora of love. "
We noticed that during the classes , the teacher gave much attention to individual students , knew everyone's name , gave nicknames to the studentsand joked with them , and used it to capture the interest of the students to the class . He used to tell stories , talking about some relevant historical facts that matches with the subjects given. Sometimes he wore some students as fictional characters so that they feel immersed in what he teaches , and was so passionate and full of vigor that you could see in every fact the love he had to pass that content , sometimes extra curricular and curiosities of the period studied , we could see what he wanted was to dispel , expand and share this love he have for history with his students. It was the diaspora of love he had for the work and history spreading from there to each student , equally. Often we were also well aware and curious by the way the stories he told and the curious historical facts he emphasized , by letting us be taken by this love too.
With the experimentation of the first ideas given to him , made from those observations of lessons and the study of the vocabulary universe of those classes, we can see that the focus of the teacher is in the interaction, in questions , in order to interact with the students so that he did not lose control of the class and pass the subject in a fun and interactive way . This for him is the diaspora of love. You can spread this knowledge equally for everyone to learn the same way , and , if possible , in groups . He is interested in the question , by showing content in a fun way , using images and elements that keep the attention of the class .
With the observations made during the experimentation, we achieved the concept of the final object in order to work interaction and group activities that the teacher proposes in his classes . The final object consists of four groups of colored flags , green , red , blue and yellow , four transparent folders to put pictures and a bag with questions inside. The flags are made of satin with a bias stitched in the edges, respecting the respective colors of the flags . It has an A4 size sheet each .
Folders are made of acetate , and may use images in both sides , with a white bias stitched ih the edges . They support A4 size sheets . The bag is made of organza, a flexible , translucent fabric , with an elastic band sewn into the opening to keep it closed . Have sheets with some questions regarding the subject given by the teacher on the day . These tokens can be exchanged or added according to the need of the lesson .
The teacher uses the objects in his dynamic classes , dividing the class into groups , each student with a flag referring to a group . He divides the class because that way he can leave the teams more balanced, he said. With the groups divided he raffles some questions and read for the class . if the student knows the answer he raises his fla and say it. If it’s right, his group marks a point and the teacher raffles another question, but if it’s wrong the same question is made to another group and soo n until so me student hit it. Teh folders are to place pictures illustrating the given content asked in class. These images can be printed by the teacher himself or brought by a student as homework . They circulate among the students so that they can see in more detail what each of these images shows and then add more content to the class.
Isabela Conclusion:
The project served to me to see life differently, more simply . Feel the joy of children , realize that Marcelo’s class were all based on speech and caring , in the diaspora of love , opened my eyes to the world and for each other , look at each other . Dealing with the difficulties was also the key , and be able to rely on my partner always generated the assurement of a partnership .
I’d like to thank Thainan for having shown himself tirelessly and readiness for all the difficulties we spent on the project . This led me to realize that I have a friend besides just a double , we're partners .
Thank Marcelo for having done everything possible and impossible to help us at all times , since lead us to a private school so we could continue with him as a partner until I send emails asking if everything was okay. This led me to the realization that do for the other is more essential than to do for yourself .
Doing this project was a very interesting experience to learn to deal with adverse situations in a different place , with people from many different locations and each with a story and that are slowly infecting us. I learned to be more uninhibited compared to go , meet and enter into new places , have more courageous to face adversity and not be discouraged with the problems that appeared during the process , which in the end served as a boost for me and I could join forces and finalize everything as we expected. More than just a project , it was a very big and very important experience of exchange with my partner , with my colleagues , with the intercessor and the class we worked with .
Thanks to Isabella for being more than a double , a friend . For always being by my side , making me continue in many moments of discouragement , and a readiness to do everything possible for the project to function the best way possible . With this I learned that a friendship can make the project all goes well , not only in design but also in life .
I thank theacher Marcelo for having received us very well and welcomed the project so endearingly , sharing with us some of that love he tries to pass daily to their students in their classes. With it I learned to share more love I got whth the things I do with the people.
Intercessor Marcelo Meira:
These young people had an extraordinary beautiful and dedicated project developed by PUC, overcoming bureaucratic obstacles , and persisting even into the barriers encountered .
This beautiful work served to illustrate brilliantly my classes , and helped in the teaching and learning process for dozens of teenagers .
In the social aspect , served to unite university students of the high society to teens from disadvantaged communities in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro.
Already put myself available for new projects and appreciate the opportunity to have collaborated with this.
Disciplina: DSG 1002
Turma: 1AC
Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente