Digital Summary Card

Nina Alves Pinto Amarante
Henrique de Almeida Ferreira
Social Group:
Fabiana Marcellos de Carvalho Batista Diógenes
E.M. Desembargador Oscar Tenório
Rua Professora Manoel Ferreira, 141, Gávea – Rio de Janeiro, RJ
The Planning Project for the second half of year 2013, was carried out at the Municipal School Desembargador Oscar Tenório, together with teacher Fabiana Marcellos. The school has classes from elementary school to the third year of high school, and in addition to basic subjects, they also offer drama, physical education, English and arts classes.
Our partner's role is that of an elementary school teacher teaching maths, sciences and Portuguese to children 8-9 years of age.
During the Portuguese classes, for example, Fabiana gathers all students in a circle to read a book based on a theme chosen by the class. Moreover, our partner often requests students to make a drawing to illustrate almost everything they produce in her classes, ranging from an illustration for a story to illustrations to help understand how the human body works. Another outstanding activity is that, at least once a week, students and the teacher should bring newspaper clippings to be explained by the teacher and discussed in class. They all share a little of what they know and their opinion about the subject being discussed. These activities contributed for the selected sentence to acquire more sense and strength.
Based on the set of words that compose Fabiana's vocabulary universe, we acknowledge the following as the theme for the project: “The reading of words and the reading of the world speed up and enhance one's life project.”
Thus, the concept that has been defined as the objective of the project, based on the experimentation of the first few ideas, was that a great quantity and variety of words (noun, adjective and verb), riddles, pictures and works of art, as well as blank spaces for students' creation, should compose a structure where images could be exchanged without being lost, i.e., as a calendar or notebook.
Starting from this, we absorbed and filtered the key points and essentials to achieve the final prototype through variations and prototypes that tried to convey the educational principles and priorities of the teacher Fabiana while teaching.
Finally, we got to the final object, which is a panel where children can create and exhibit their works, according to the proposition of the day and the material to be used. The panel has removable pockets and boards, which can be drawn onto both with chalk and pen, and may contain pictures and drawings, among others. Also, each child will have a prototype, since a key priority pointed out by Fabiana is an individual creation of each student, where we can see the influences and experiences of each child in their productions.
The prototype made with 2 MDF boards serving as a structure and 7 plastic sheets for binding (1 A4, 2 A5 and 4 ¼ of A4), 7 PS boards (1 A4, 2 A5 and 4 ¼ of A4), 3 Crystal plastic pockets (1 A4 and 2 A5), 1 denim pocket and 15 pieces of plastic for binding (7.5 cm2), held by hinged iron rings as components attached to the structure. The final object is being used both as a support for publishing the works created by the students and for individual creation in different activities, such as the creation of riddles through pictures, interventions on works of art and pictures of everyday living through superimposition.
Nina Amarante:
I think this semester I finally understood that the choice I made to give up half of a university program already completed and the comfort of my parents and family in São Paulo to come to live in Rio de Janeiro and move to PUC, was just right and the most amazing. Everything I wished for and needed I found here. More participative efforts of exchange and donation of knowledge and experiences, sharing my time with those who really do and enjoy what they like. Despite all the tiredness or stress, it has always been very rewarding. And we can feel this! A much more enriching, human, real and unique way to know what your profession is about and how your profession and the world around it, work. And also to get to know the commitment of colleagues, potential colleagues or non-colleagues regarding everything you do or have to do, that immense sharing of goodwill, fellowship and understanding.
I'm thankful to Amália for having received us with open arms since the first day we went there, for trusting in our work and for transmitted, during conversations at the end of the class, her knowledge and her willingness to live in a better world, free of injustices. I am grateful to Amália for being an example of a person and teacher, who fights for her rights as a teacher and can convey her love and enjoyment for giving lecture to students.
I thank Marina for being a very fellow partner, proactive and, above all, a friend. I am very grateful to her for making me realize that with the right person, working in pairs becomes not only a division of labor, but turns into fellowship.
Marina Lemos:
With Project 1002, I learned that nothing is certain, that not even the most precise planning ensures that everything will go the way we wondered. We can have a whole life planned with the greatest care, but we can never be sure that everything will go according to plans. With that, I realized that you need to consider all scenarios and learn the most from each unforeseen. The same goes for the final prototype, which begins in a way, stay this way for a while and then suddenly takes a different turn. I learned that I must be aware that things may take other paths and that I probably won't be prepared, but I should't freak out about it and should try to make the most of the situation.
Thanks to my partner Henrique, for being ever so helpful trying to solve things a practical way and always willing to do his best. I'm also grateful to him not only for his concern to make sure that everything is always right with the experiment that earned a reputation and to which he became attached, but also for scolding me for having skipped lunch. And lastly, thanks for his way of being and his lightness in dealing and doing things, which saved us many times from going crazy with the process of project II.
My thanks to our partner Fabiana, for having always shown us how passionate she is about what she does. Furthermore, I thank her for the way she has engaged in, understood and enjoyed this project, making us immensely happy, satisfied and motivated by all our choices. This is really gratifying and we are very grateful to her!
Henrique Almeida:
Since our first visit to Barraca (workshop in the first period) I fell in love with the place and with the work project being developed there. I asked some friends and I was told that it would not be an easy semester, which it really wasn't. I've learned not only to develop a project setting time frames, but also to see subtle actions in the other that make learning much richer and fuller. I've learned to redo things and accept teachers' criticism in a constructive way. I recalled the time when I was a kid, and I could feel once more the pleasant smell of the public school cafeteria. I've met lovely kids who strove to get our attention, and gradually established bonds with each of them. And as a result of all this process, I've got to know an amazing person who, although living in a country that does not value her brilliant profession, is passionate about her job as a teacher.
With her high spirits, which make any hard work fun, I'm grateful to my partner Nina for having been always there, making the process -- even though difficult and stressful -- mild and fun. I also thank her for her serene and subtle manner when she disagreed with some of my opinions, so by talking things through we were able to better develop our job. Above all, I appreciate the friendly way she worried about me at moments of great despair (when I felt like running away or even crying), as she was always soothing me with words of comfort, softening the problem or looking at it from another perspective, enthralling me with her way of valuing the subtlest everyday actions, building a friendship that goes beyond the walls of the college.
Ever since the first class she was very friendly and supportive, capturing the attention of more than a duo this semester. Fabiana, passionate about her profession, made us even more passionate about her work. Thanks to her for having proposed such important topics for us to develop, and for being there during all the stages of the project, expressing her opinions or even "just chatting, with no strings attached", which was crucial for developing our activities. I also appreciate that she has shown that there are still teachers in public school that deal with and observe their students on a one-to-one basis, and above all, for having pointed out that you don't need to have a profession whose major objective is to make you rich, but rather, you need to choose a profession that makes you happy and committed to your choice.
Thanks for the opportunity to be part of this wonderful project, which enriched my pedagogical practice and enabled constant reflection on my practice, from observation to the final prototype.
Nina and Henrique were part of the dynamics of our classes and established bonds of affection and trust with all the kids.
Experiments were great and rich in possibilities - this stage was so fun and the kids became so involved in the propositions.
The final project came out amazing for its multiple possibilities of usage, and included everything that I believe to be essential in the teaching/learning relationship, where a child is subject and author of their knowledge, and it is up to us educators to mediate and assist in this process.
Disciplina: DSG 1002
Turma: 1AC
Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente