The sound and images help to write
the text that oxygenates the work.

Paula Baratta Rossler
Fabio Nogueira
Social Group:
Debora Marino
Amaro Cavalcanti
Largo do Machado , 20 - Cattete
We made project in the College Amaro Cavalcanti located in Largo do Machado , follow English classes where the teacher Deborah Marino , Deborah of classes for students of first and second year of teaching in the middle, we think this could be a hindrance , but as soon as we saw one of his classes realized that she would be the ideal partner . As we entered his classroom , we realized that Deborah loved to relate their lessons with the Music and Arts , with bibliographic’s texts of artists in their exams . We also saw that teacher structured her classes through " lists " of all content , verbal tenses, grammatical classes, sentence structure was given via a list , sometimes making comparison between these lists .
From the set of words that make up the vocabulary universe of Deborah Marino recognize as the theme for the project : " The sound and images help to write the text that oxygenates the work." So we understand that the teacher aimed to teach the text , by means of their lists but with the addition of sound and images , to try to achieve its, we did experiments that addressed the lists with the help of colors , sounds , and lyrics . After we discuss variations that works the association of sound and color with the short list . Finally we understand that an instrument should be associated to a color , and this color would have a panel for the teacher to put the contents of the different lists.
Paula Baratta:
By accepting the proposal from Ana Branco and Vincent Barros Project 2 with them , I was very anxious about what lay ahead , if I would be able to reach my goals at that time or would fail . Much thought , until the day classes begin . When I entered the tent again , feeling the welcome they were giving me again , I could not be more sure that my choice was right .
Fabio have chosen as my double , despite both are doing again, initially created doubts in the mind of Ana , and this made me very nervous , because I knew we were going to do our best together, and when we had the approval of Ana and Vicente, I was super happy, but at the same time even more focused as they had believed and given a vote of confidence .
Despite all the problems I had during the project due to bureaucratic purposes , the problems we had with the schools on strike , it all just showed me again that I should not ever give up what I want.
When we had problems with the schools I considered it would not work , but I beat it and Fabio fighted more than I expected to get a school and a partner who should welcome us, and certainly could not have found a better partner than Deborah . With Deborah could see what “gratidão” really is, because last time I wrote my gratitudes often unwilling or even without knowing it because of that, but with Deborah she taught me what true gratitude is, because in all that I to it , I wanted to do them , and wanted to write more and more .
Having worked with Fabio again taught me a lot about winning . We left not bring us no time for what it was, we ran out of time a few hours , but in all we have achieved our goals without the stress or has run out of bread at the end. This period in the tent for sure just added me as a person , taught me to say thank you , taught me to be more flexible and above all, Ana and Vincent taught me one of my best learning, that I should never stop to be persistent . I will never forget what I went through during this period in the tent and all the love that was given throughout the entire understanding and strength. It sure was and always will be one of the biggest lessons I ever had and will have, and that will be stored forever with gratitude in me .
Fabio Nogueira
When I walked in 2013.1 did not know that I would study this methodology , in fact, when I found out that my mentors would be Ana Branco e Vicente Barros my reaction was a chock.
At first I thought it was a huge mistake and now feel it was the best mistake I ever made . Unlike all of the other disciplines that I studied don’t I feel relief at having finished , I feel that that I 'll never have this during my academic career , at least not with other teachers .
What I learned in this project ? A lot , I learned more about myself , about how I behave before the various complications that this project presented , understand that while the doors seem to be closed , there will always be a little hole to pass. Understand what is perceiving the other and think about him and only him , having gone through this experience made me directly change the way I treat people around me, I sit more open to listen, to trust , to work together. Paula made me see a lot of things I never would have seen myself , I learned a lot about work in pairs and how important it is for a project and therefore I thank my teachers for having suggested that I allowed to be loved for longer, I would never have achieved so much as I did in this project , and is not well material, are things that no money in the world can buy!
I do not know what I'll miss most , whether it is the warmth and love that Ana has to hear us, advise us, pull our ears , or whether the Vicente’s laught that every time we present a problem he smiles so that the makes you think the whole problem is so small compared to be there in the tent , or the Socorrinho , which as the name suggests rescues us from despair, correcting our texts until the wee hours , note that I know will be very difficult if not impossible to find. I can not forget Luciana , who always tried to see the positive side of the most desperate scribblings I've made over these two semesters , I did not need to be ashamed to show bad drawings , to her everyone are rich in something, be it expressions , either motion , is in details for her there is always something to be highlighted in the drawing.
Would like to end by thanking all those who helped us in this project , first, partner Deborah that made everything seem easier , even with the challenge of designing for students aged between 17 and 20 years , but the affection they have for them and Deborah and vice versa broke that barrier so easily. Then I would like to thank Paula for being so caring and patient with me , I know that sometimes I'm hard to handle , but she always took a deep breath and let my mistakes pass . Finally to all advisors and contributors to this project , thank you for making me forget I'm in a classroom and remind me that the world has no barriers . In the end I had even been lucky enough to have fallen into the tent.
Deborah Marino
The commitment and dedication of the students was an incentive to creativity in the classroom. My students showed being interested by experiments with colors and sounds . It was a pleasure and a joy to have them in class and much helped me keep the attention of my students . Paula and Fabio were tireless in producing the material and showed interest and responsibility.
Disciplina: DSG 1002
Turma: 1AC
Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente