Eliane Carla Silva Viana
Social Group:
Lucia Helena Azevedo
Escola Municipal Desembargador Ney Palmeiro
Rua Igarapé-açú, 340 –Jacarepaguá- Rio de Janeiro-RJ-22783-140
The project was conducted at the Municipal School Judge Ney Palmeiro , with Lucia Helena professor who teaches a class of pre-literacy of children aged 5 and 6 years , some facts that happened in the room were always relate to the chosen phrase , for example the fact it teaches the letter Q , bringing a Queijadinha jokingly taught letrinha for them , the whole day had welcomed the subtle noise with the music playing they learn to see and write the name by putting in chamadinha and singing music : " who is this nomezinho , which is in my hand , the owner of that name lives in my heart! " , as in everything she does and always says that Jesus is there at all times with them .
From the set of words that make up the vocabulary universe of Lucia Helena , recognize as the theme for the project : . " Jesus , noise match play, write and play " concept aims to set off for the first trials was the idea connections , the possibility of joining noise , with words , with geometric , so that they all interconnect .
The final geometric object are allowed to connect through " lines " where children " sew " the syllables , seeing pictures and forming words that can be used with or without some background noise, and it contains several holes with degrees of complexity varied. Was done with duratram , poplin , eyelets , threads, yarns , rattle , cellophane , continhas . Is being used to assist in the literacy process of children , through play to assemble words and sounds to discover , to relate colors and shapes .
Which served to live this experience ? I thank God for giving me this opportunity to have lived and shared so many emotions , knowledge and love throughout the semester, it was a great gift for me to be here , in fact I do not know how to express all the joy I feel right now . This experience, I can say that it was only at the beginning I thought I could not do because there were many contingencies along the way , but I trusted and gave me body and soul , I felt that in the end everything would be alright , until it appeared this blessed person who is Lucia , fell in love with his style of teaching and this has made me even more sure that I was on the right track .
Thanks to Lucia Helena by the fact that this blessed person , giving their all to their students to have the best in terms of education , caring, loving , dedicated tirelessly not only to teach them to read and write but to teach them to be good citizens and people who respect each other , this created in me the desire to continue this working knowledge of the other which came as a seed in my heart .
Full review the Intercessor
It was with anticipation and pleasure that I received in our room Eliane , who came to the company during a period. We had a brief conversation about her work and , I confess , I thought I would not have much to do with what we have developed with our students .
Our preschool class is , so are grabbing the alphabet , syllables , words , sentences , math , social concepts , science , etc ... will be alfabetizados.No beginning in 2014 she was watching us and how ... wrote . So that brought us some experiments that could be applied in the classroom, according to our work and each return to the room, and then brought more mais.Comecei to see that everything could be used in day to day practical way .
As time passed we expected ( the children and I ) with the arrival of Eliane new experiment for us to "play " in a serious way with what she wore . Anyway , we were waiting with satisfaction by " Aunt " Eliane . For my part I can say it was very nice to have her with me with new ideas . Simple things I can say with confidence and certainty , able to be used in aid of my work , which served to renew my stock of possibilities and that will be part of my 33 years of experience . Eliane 's presence with us makes me believe every day that living with other pessooas enables us to evolve and learn sempre.Só have to thank God for the opportunity to meet you and join my life, despite the short time we were together .
Disciplina: DSG 1002
Turma: 1AC
Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente