Surprise in the Sequence

Amanda Melo
Bianca Anet
Social Group:
Maria da Glória Rezende
Núcleo de Arte do Leblon
Pç Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora
- Leblon CEP: 22441-050
The Project carried out at Núcleo de arte do Leblon with the teacher of acrobatics Glória Rezende, who teaches for students from six to nine years of public schools. She teaches a series of moves on the floor mat, ball and cloth to the class and assists in implementing these. During their lessons, Glória lead children to a relationship with their bodies, making it through exercises in different places of the room. We took note of words used in class and realize the concern of the teacher to take students from one plane to the other with acrobatic movement. From the set of words that make up the vocabulary universe of Glória, we recognize as the theme for the project: "From the fabric to the ground children move from head to toe."
The surprise concept was defined after we observed Glória and the way she manipulated most of our experiments prioritizing the suspense, and the sequence was something she has defined as important as the students went to the ground fabric. Our final product were arrows lined with paraná paper sheets covered with plain office paper with three groups of words: the floor, the middle and the fabric. These arrows were laminated with contact paper and placed in envelopes Felt colored red, blue and purple. Glória asks each student to take an arrow without looking and then they make the move they took. She separates the arrows by the color of the bag depending on the part of the room she will use.
Amanda's Conclusion:
The time I devoted myself doing this project was fast, faster than I had imagined, and in the process I found myself out of my "comfort zone" that I said I hoped I would at the first meeting in the tent. Not only I became more open to alternatives and improvements, but also gained more confidence by doing something that I am proud of. During this project I learned how to make my way for my next academic achievements, which will always remind me of that time I focused on the tent and beyond.
I thank Bianca for sharing with me your insecurities and doubts during the project period. This taught me that together we helped each other and overcame steps. I also learned that by the time things get more difficult, I will know best how to solve them.
Thanks to Gloria to be open and trust our project path. Without these two things our bond would not be possible. I learned that the job of a teacher with her class is not easy but very necessary and because of that I great admiration for her.
Bianca's Conclusion:
This project period was very special to me. The first day I could feel the atmosphere of joy in the tent that would study the entire period. I had contact with old friends from school and made new friends, as my dual Amanda. When choosing Glória as a partner, I was surprised by their reception and acceptance of our presence in your classroom. Maybe because I feel comfortable with the place and the people who were involved in the project, I relaxed a bit during the process and saw that in the end I had to run a bit to stay equal with my colleagues. Nevertheless, everything I learned during this project I will take with me to the rest of my life.
Thanks to Amanda for have supported and encouraged me to continue as I was tired. I could see that she wanted us to conclude our work and have a satisfying result for us. This led me accompany her in the process, giving my best.
Thanks Glória for believing in our work and be open to various possibilities that we were able to get in the final product. This generated the will to continue and accomplish a job that involved not only my partner and I, but also others.
Disciplina: DSG 1002
Turma: 1AC
Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente
Complete evaluation of the Intercessor:
Weaving this final product - "Surprise in sequence" with Bianca, Amanda and all the acrobats and playful children was a challenge instigating and establisher of other ways of thinking about our everyday knowledgedoings. It was necessary for us to create a spacetime (re)experience, (re)invent (re)define the objects brought to each meeting.
Bianca and Amanda came into our classes - in our lives, with gentleness and patience, dipping in our daily life with all your senses, so that they could, from the lived and felt, create a game that would provide joy and teaching-learning, in perspective of the phrase "from the fabric to the ground children move from head to toe." And they managed to do it!
Bianca and Amanda may continue "drawing" life with the same beauty that drew/ wove this meeting potentiating ideas and affections.