Art Born from the Eye’s Work

Bruna Souza
João Oliveira
Social Group:
Marina Santanna
Escola Estadual Joaquim Abílio Borges
R. Humaitá, 19 – Humaitá – RJ - Rio de Janeiro
The project took place with professor Marina Santanna, who lectured at the School of Visual Arts Joaquim Abilio Borges, in Humaitá. Their students are in the 6th and the 9th year of elementary school, with ages ranging from 11 to 17 years. She works extensively with reinterpretations in their classes, because according to her, it is important that the students think about art, knowing how to recognize it. Our mediator teaches artistic movement and the interconnection with jobs where the student freely colorizes the silhouette of an artistic work. She leaves them free and allows one to create from the work of the artist. From the set of words that composes the universe vocabulary of Marina, we recognize the theme for the project: "art is born of the work of the eyes". We relate the choice directly with the readings that the students make of works such as "Cry" by Edvard Munch and "Les Demoiselles D'Avignon" by Pablo Picasso. The concept set for was directed towards the amendment of the gaze and the perception of the students. After much experimentation and work, we arrived at support transparencies made of wood, where the children are joining different parts of various works of art and create their own tables. In addition to this use, the teacher asked that the students draw on sheets of paper and appropriate scripture in support, creating more possibilities for use.
Bruna Souza's Conclusion:
Spending half a semester inside this tent, undeniably changed me greatly. I am more confident and focused. I don't know if I have learned to have rhythm, but now I know that I have a lot of desire and potential to try. My potential is credited to Ana, and the seed of curiosity that she planted in us will be watered and sown by me wherever I go. Here, I also met amazing people, who, driven by the same curiosity and challenged by "the myth of Ana", joined together without knowing exactly what was going to happen. I am extremely grateful for this experience and to all that I have met during this period.
I thank Marina for having said "The relationship with the sentence was perfect and I will begin to use this often in my classes". It made me very happy to realize that John and I managed to work well with the teacher, with the phrase-objective and produce an object that reflects this process.
I thank John for having been such a comrade and understanding. We've been quite stressed in recent days, but nothing has interfered with our friendship or the work. I learned a lot with him, and this made me see beyond any silly “discussions” that we had.
João Oliveira's Conclusion
The project 1002 changed my "head". I have learned the methodology of participatory design, which is done in community and not individually, and that came to be with my way to do design.
I thank Marina for showing me the importance that art has to the children, doing so in a subtle way through their classes. She is a person who has a huge heart and a great willingness to help anyone in need. Her openness and happiness during the completion of the project with certainty was a facilitator and a differential for our final result as a group. It was a great pleasure working with a person who has given us her time with such ease.
I thank Bruna for having appeared in my life. I'm sure I gained a very important friend that is willing to join me in any project. I am also grateful for the patience that she had with me in my moments of stress, allowing our relationship to always develop and to recover when needed. I am a happier person and more aware of the things that I have to improve individually, on account of the relationship that I had with her. We would not have achieved anything if we were
"I think that this work has a total relationship with the Phrase Goal that was created through the lessons. I was surprised with the end product of the work of Bruna and John, and I think I will be able to use it enough. The process of “pairs” was very different and interesting, with the realization of a dynamic that I sometimes did not understand, but that I am very surprised by. The pair is to be congratulated for the work."
Disciplina: DSG 1002
Turma: 1AC
Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente