Panels and puppets who propose
the order on education among the differences

Gabriel Vilela Pinho - Guimarães
Hugo Mendes Silva
Social Group:
Luiza Helena Bertrand Cavalcante de Oliveira
Escola Estadual Francisco Alves
Travessa Pepe, 77 - Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro
The project took place in the State School Francisco Alves, with the Professor Luiza Helena, who teaches Normal course for children from third and fourth year in elementary school, aged between 9 and 12 years. The partner teaches disciplines of basic cycle: Portuguese, mathematics, natural sciences and social sciences, besides, she takes care of the ethical and moral development of students using educational and dynamic activities that we observed, on which were used: “Golden Material', games, painting and drawing, mail letters and homework assignments.
From the set of words that make up the vocabulary universe of Luiza Helena we recognize as the theme for the project: "The order in education modifies the smile on the face of the students when talk and learn with the differences make us happy"
The use of body and illustrative language by the partner in times of tension in the class such as when she comands to her students to 'take off the hair of the ear' literally, brings the order to the classroom in a way that makes the practice of silence becomes an activity, that students already realize that will bring something new and playful. The connection between words, pictures and the body action creates a situation which these elements conduct the construction of physical media through puppets and dynamic panels which require the body of the partner as the base for that activity.
At the end, were built two folding panels: a panel of sentences and a number panel, using MDF boards coated by fabric brim, receiving as follows pockets and flaps to expose words and numbers printed on rectangular sheets made of cardboard and coated by contact plastic. Were also made 6 puppets: 5 of them for the use of the whole class and their colors are related to a specific discipline, and the sixth puppet - the puppet master – is composed by various colors for the exclusive use of the partner. All were made of mesh fabric sublimated whose colors were blue, red, green, yellow and brown. The use of objects happens together, as follows: in the classroom, the partner wears the puppet master and then she asks a student to go to the front of the class and to take a puppet which will define the theme of the activity. If the student takes the yellow puppet, for example (related to mathematics), the partner puts the panel of numbers on her body, if the student takes a puppet of other color, the partner picks up the panel for language activity to make a space for discussion with phrases or keywords that organize the learning.
Final conclusions by Gabriel Vilela:
The experience of project 2 at the Tent served for me to get to know myself better and to make me learn deeply the real potencial of the Design process in a very human perspective, bringing very intense and immersive experiences that made me discover treasures in everyday simplicity, the coexistence of differences and diversities among the people I met: classmates, teachers, partner and students of the school.
I learned to accept people as they are and I also accept myself completely, finding that the process does not end at the Tent project closure, but now a new phase starts: a constant interior renewal that I learned to do by listening to the other person, watching, geting to know and learning to love the other as he or she is and how God made it - unique, special and at the same time plural, a puzzle alive and dynamic.
I thank the partner Luiza Helena because she has taught me during the experience of project that order depends on the respect we have for each other in time to give her time and voice. That created in me a change in thinking and acted, paying much more attention to what people tell me and considering their views.
I thank my project mate, Hugo Mendes, because he has taught me to be calm, by keeping his calm and patience when I was nervous and pessimistic. It changed my way of thinking, because now I look at life in a different way and I see the possibilities and potentials that things have, without charge more than I can do.
Final conclusions by Hugo Mendes:
Working in the tent for me was really a big surprise, I decided to take this class out of curiosity, I heard many tips, criticisms about the tent, but at first charmed me the classroom, since I arrived already feel at home, able to sit all together, walking barefoot in the
room treading the sand, something I had never imagined living. Time was passing, I met amazing people, all double up helping each other, all working in harmony and happiness, always, when you're a little lost, you can be sure someone will offer help. I could not forget talking about teachers, Ana White and Vicente Barros, which undoubtedly widely opened my eyes, now I can say that I see life so much better, I learned things beyond the project, the classroom. Today I cherish the teachings of them, an opportunity which unfortunately few can enjoy, because what is taught there, not taught anywhere else, the valuing, the people, all of us, is very strong and positive. I went in thinking I would learn a little more about design, I made a mistake, learned a lot of design and a lot about life.
It was an honor.
I thank Luiza because she has always trained the sentences with the students, always so ludica, and because she always has solved exercises along with the students, always saying: "Take off the hair of the ears and let's do exercises by practicing the sentences." This way, from the start I could see the relationship of the teacher with the students, always so kind making me to learn ways to spend teachings to other people and I also learned to share even more affection and love with the next, especially those who surround us.
I thanks Gabriel, for giving me tips all the time while we were constructing and conducting the experiments, I've learned several techniques which I lacked because he teached me. I learned to work better in pairs, which did not used to do very well, I learned to accept more. Gabriel also introduced me to some parts of the river which still did not know we had places to go for research and / or purchase of materials for the experiment. I thank Gabriel for collaborating and for always being on my side at the time of the project.
Complete evaluation of the intercessor:
It was very gratifying to participate in the project with students Gabriel and Hugo.
During the meetings the interaction was intense: the exchange of experiences, the opportunity to see the playful activities with simple objects, attracting attention and pleasure of having the smile on little face of all - students, and teacher trainees.
Disciplina: DSG 1002
Turma: 1AC
Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente