Art and Fun with Stencil

Olivia da Silveira
Raquel Dimantas
Social Group:
Isabel Hennig
Núcleo de Artes do Leblon
We develop our project at the Nucleo de Artes do Leblon with Isabel Hennig, who teaches art class for children of seven and eight years. During this period we follow the lessons of the teacher. Observing their routine classroom activities such as observation drawings, paintings, sculptures building, reading books and everything relationed with art history.
Observing Isabel’s activities, we select some words that she said at her classes. We created a phrase to guide us in the project: "the hands connect art and fun when drawing”.
Our line during the process was the history of art and stencil. Our final project were ten stencils enbased historical periods taught by the teacher. The drawings were: stone age - petroglyphs and Venus - Egypt - Egyptian Eye, Isis and Anubis, and Greece - theatrical masks, David the Michelangelo’s sculpture and the Venus de Milo. The stencils’ draws were made based on the illustrations from Isabel’s books. They were made at a A4 sheet acetate and framed with a white estileno.
The product is being used in Isabel’s daily lessons, as illustration of periods taught, projections on the walls and creative exercises.
Olivia da Silveira: The process that I lived in this period is different from everything that I’ve passed. It was hard work, but extremely rewarding. I met wonderful people, I gained experience, interacted with children of a different reality from mine. But mostly, I learned not only to listen and question all the time, but to be thankful to all. To be grateful for assistance, questions, gestures and delicadezes. I learned to say thank you for the first time, to understand and to appreciate. I'm happier because of it. Thank you.
Thanks to Isabel for being so sincere and honest with us all this time. Giving us tips, reviews and genuine praise. So I can feel Elizabeth present in our prototype, since the images shown in the classroom, to the choice of materials and finishing, all our decisions we could rely on the teachings of the partner. This led me to learn to work as a team with safety, trust and unity.
Thanks to Rachel for being insecure and questioning. Through the many questions we had along the way, Rachel was always trying to see another possibility for the project. This led me to learn to question myself and wonder if what we were doing was really our best.
Raquel Dimantas:
Our project would not have been made if we had not been entered in that studio head idyllic. We went beyond bystanders, were part of the activities and thus could develop something of their own to class, experimenting and creating. Time and patience were essential to get the result we wanted. Always calm, listened to what our partner had to tell us, also learning to listen to new ideas and adhere to our project.
I thank Isabel for always talk with us in a constructively and delicated way. Expressing her doubts and listening openly. It made me think about all her issues in a practical and objective way. That way I could have freedom to create safely and without fears of their her answers.
Thanks Olivia for being organized e making me feel alive during the process. Always listening to me, Olivia complemented with something constructive and innovator. She made me feel safe through the many questions I had about the project. As beeing my partner through the second period consecutive I could realize that we developed such an afinity and friendship making the process easier.
Isabel Hennig:
I have to thank coexistence, I think that if I can saysomething is about learning to relearn how to teach each new enriching exchange is that this partnership work, complicity and affinity educational, artistic and mostly human.
Disciplina: DSG 1002
Turma: 1AC
Professores: Ana Branco e Luis Vicente